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A Change Will Do You Good

We’re currently in the final days of building our house. In 23 days, we’ll be homeowners again. We’ll start the process of unpacking, sorting, tossing out the old things we no longer need and want or which no longer fit our idea of what our home should look like. We’ll search for new(er) things to fill the spaces.

It feels like starting over.

As we’ve gone through the process of building a house, I started feeling some of the same emotions about Finding Walden as I did about our old home. We sold that home because we didn’t fit anymore. Or it didn’t fit us. We both needed and wanted a change, and sometimes a change will do you good. At least that’s what Sheryl Crow told me once.

So, why change the blog name? Well, why not?

That’s sort of the beauty of the Internet. When something doesn’t fit anymore, you just…do it over again. You start fresh. I felt like I needed that.

I had, I think, pigeon-holed myself into a particular style of content when what I had tried to do with Finding Walden was create a place where I could be me. Honest, messy, snarky, maybe funny, but above all, what I wanted that place to be was a place where any sort of content fit. Except it never really felt like it did.

Everything felt…cramped. That’s a weird way to think about a website feeling, but essentially this rebrand comes about because I felt like I’d outgrown Finding Walden.

Some of y’all read that and think it’s a bunch of existential hooey, but it’s not much different than changing my hair or redecorating a bedroom when the style no longer suits you. At least not in my mind.

So, why Caffeine and Cabernet? Well, why not?

I like caffeine. And I like wine. (And no, I don’t think or feel like I need either to make it through the day. Okay, except coffee. That’s non-negotiable.)

But most of all, I like that it feels open, like maybe the conversations that happen here in the future are the kind that would happen over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. A chat with friends about all sorts of things that meanders the way good conversations do where you start out talking about one thing and end up in a completely different place entirely from where you began.

Welcome to my new home.

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Saturday 2nd of May 2015

I love the name change! It fits you, and it does inspire conversation! #perfect

((hugz)) to the chica who inspired me to blog!

John (Daddy Runs a Lot)

Wednesday 29th of April 2015

I love the new blog name! Truly -- it fits you quite perfectly.

And yeah, while I like to think that I don't need wine or coffee . . . well, I do need coffee (though, truth be told, unless I'm eating something very heavy, I typically avoid cabernet -- would much rather a zinfandel or pinot noir . . . carménère has been my go-to wine lately)

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