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State of the Weight Wednesday: Water, Water Everywhere

Welcome back to State of the Weight Wednesday!!

State of the Weight Wednesday, Not Super Just Mom

Thank you SO much for the support and encouragement last week. So much. You guys are awesome.

Notice anything different about the banner up there?


Well, let me just go ahead and point it out for you.

State of the Weight, Not Super Just Mom


I credit you guys and your support and accountability. Knowing that I would have to come back here and tell you guys how my week went really made me pay attention.

I also give a ton of credit to all the water I drank and the peeing I did. Because dude. So much of that.

I bought a 20 ounce Thermos water bottle (non-insulated…because it was cheaper) and I made it my goal to drink 3 full bottles a day, plus water at meals. I inadvertently cut out sodas at the same time that I decided to drink more water and I think that definitely helped, too.

I decided not to let myself have a soda until and unless I had finished all of my water for the day, and by dinner, I was usually on my third bottle. If I drink a Diet Pepsi after dinner time, I have trouble falling asleep, so, no Diet Pepsi for me. I need as much sleep as I can get!

(Tomorrow will probably be an exception because Scandal returns. Not watching that show? DO IT NOW. So good.)

I definitely noticed the difference the water made in just about everything, and that was kind of surprising. Friday night I had a glass of wine and Saturday morning I woke up and we rushed out the door. No coffee, no water, nothing. Then I had a Mimosa at a baby shower. By the time I got home that afternoon, I felt hungover. From a half glass of champagne and some orange juice. All because I hadn’t had any water that day.

I pounded my three bottles in just a few hours and pretty soon I was feeling great again. Water makes so much difference.

I also went to the gym 5 times in the last 7 days. Three of those days were spent doing cardio on the elliptical, Sunday we went to family swim, and then I did a yoga class on Tuesday night.

On Monday I made it through 50 minutes of cardio thanks to the gym’s wifi and Netflix. I’ve always wanted to watch Lost and have never taken the time, so I decided now is as good a time as any. I fire up an episode when I get on the machine and watch until the episode ends or I get called back to the childcare center because Emma pooped.

I want the gym to be a place I go because I WANT to be there not because I NEED to be there, or feel obligated to be there because we’re paying for the membership. I mean, those are both motivators, for sure. But I want it to be more than that if that makes any sense at all.

I definitely feel better when I leave, so I know I’m getting there. It just needs to be part of my routine, you know? Something that I do just like eating lunch or brushing our teeth.

That’s what I want for me. That’s what I want for us.

One thing that I know I have to do is find a better bra. These girls are out of control and in NEED of some taming when I’m on the elliptical. So far the bras I’m finding in my size (which, OMG. 40FF!!!!) are CRAZY expensive. To me at least. For something that I hope to shrink out of. ($65 to $70. for a sports bra!!)

AH! I can’t believe I already lost 5 pounds. AHHH!!

Weekly goal: Continue to drink water, eat breakfast every single day.
Weight loss goal #2: Lose 10 pounds total

When I lose those 10 pounds, I’m buying a new bra.

What are your goals for the week? Are any of you jumping on the State of the Weight wagon?

(In case any of you were thinking about joining in, I made a button. Use it if you want. Don’t use it if you don’t want. But if you’re joining in, please let me know so I can come by and leave you some support! If enough of us are participating, I’ll make it a link up so we can all support each other!)

State of the Weight Wednesday, Not Super Just Mom

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Sunday 28th of April 2013

I will say that I'm with you on the water. I haven't been drinking soda at ALL. And that's crazy b/c I was drinking 2-3 or MORE a day.


Sunday 28th of April 2013

GREAT job! I am NOT losing weight. Womp, womp. I know I've really got to work on changing the diet but I've added 64 ounces of water daily AND I've been exercising like I haven't in over four years and nothing. Booo. So this week it's back on the WW bandwagon for me. You're doing awesome!


Friday 26th of April 2013

First off Congratz!!! I too am on the weight loss band wagon and right there with you. I've lost 10 lbs in 14 days!! You can totally do it. I def need to exercise more and get to the gym. I've been doing the 30 day shred. But have a gym membership with childcare. Anyway I too needed a great bra for the girls! I highly recommend Under Armor! They have a bra, it's a bit costly but works great! Try looking at Dicks Sporting Goods! Good luck!!

Ann @ Such a Mama

Thursday 25th of April 2013

You go girl! I may just be inspired to give this weight loss thing a go again. Maybe - there is still a big batch of brownies at home...

The Many Thoughts of a Reader

Wednesday 24th of April 2013

I bought a new water bottle today and made an eating plan for next week. I've gained 7 pounds at least since January. WTF. Good job! And I know I'm dehydrated most of the time now. I need to force the water. I've been bad since I stopped nursing.

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