I’d intended to come here and write about the ongoing issues I’m having with Smoke Nose, but then I went to class tonight and decided to just come here and word vom in my dashboard.
Hope you don’t mind.
Want to know why I haven’t blogged much in the past five months? Believe me. It’s not because I don’t want to.
I haven’t had time.
When my plane landed in Atlanta on the Sunday after BlogHer, I hit the ground running the very next morning with a full teaching load, learning the process of creating a yearbook, taking classes to earn my gifted certification, coaching cheerleading, and a surprise pregnancy. On top of the wifing and momming and general attempting to be more than mediocre that I was already doing.
I’m pretty sure I’ve failed at even being mediocre lately.
I just sort of drifted through the past five months with wistful glances at the dashboard and a head full of thoughts waiting to be spilled out. And then I took my (un)happy and ridiculously tired ASSets to bed.
(We’ll just nevermind the two TVD benders I’ve been on that sucked (ha!) all my time, mmkay. You’d be hooked too. Just ask the people I’ve converted to Team Salvatore.)
Winter break was so, so good for my soul. It gave me a break from all the things I had swirling in my head. All of the work-related responsibilities got to sit firmly on the back burners of my life for two great weeks.
I went back to work on Monday and I planned out the next three months of my semester and realized that when I get to the end of these calendars, I’ll be having a baby. A tiny little bundle of lungs and poop and cute.
And then I came to my gifted class tonight and y’all, I just don’t know when I’m going to have time to get anything done at all much less do it well.
If I start to look at all the things I need to do in the next 14.5 weeks (assuming she’s on time or late), I get so unhappy I just want to get a bowl of ice cream and cry about it instead of actually taking care of business.
I’m so, so overwhelmed right now.
Monday 9th of January 2012
You know, Miranda - the important things? They'll get done.
Everything else? Well, it wasn't super important.
And I really, really need to start watching The Vampire Diaries. I just finished all of the aired episodes of The Walking Dead.
Friday 6th of January 2012
We all get overwhelmed sometimes as mothers and we just need to take a deep breath and focus on today. What is most important today?????? I try to think about that statement alot when i feel like i'm drowning in work and family and life in general. I normally rate my kids and hubby at the top after that work and other things below. Give as much love and energy to them as you can (an A on that report card) and let the rest just be a C, because sometimes its ok to just be average.
Think of breathing out all of the stress and reevaluating what needs to get done and how other people can help you get the rest done. Asking for help isn't fun but you will survive the tough spots if you do.
I have faith that if you want to succeed you will just remember an you accomplishing everything and being unhappy the whole time isn't success, try and think positive and out of the box on how to solve your problems, You can do it!!!!! God Bless Nik
Saturday 7th of January 2012
I like the idea of only focusing on what is most important today. Thanks for that :)
Friday 6th of January 2012
I am so sorry that you're feeling this way. I have really no idea how busy teachers get but I imagine that it's like "Whoa, I need a drink" kind of a feeling. Hang in there. You can do this. xoxo
Saturday 7th of January 2012
Yes. It is. It's usually like "WHOA! I need a drink!" x 29749020389ro0f0393. For me at least.
Mama Fisch
Friday 6th of January 2012
TOTALLY 100% normal and acceptable. I will tell you I was more overwhelmed before #2 (Cate) came then after she was here. And it gets easier. I swear. Cate is 4mo and Brady is 27months and just lately life has gotten easier, enjoyable and fun! Hang in there!
Saturday 7th of January 2012
It just feels like life is so much more hectic this time than it was when I was preparing for Joshua! In some ways it is, but in other ways it's not really and I'm completely caught off guard by the ways in which life IS more hectic.
Friday 6th of January 2012
oh friend. (by the way, I just accidentally typed "fried" instead of "friend". I am so pregnant).
I miss you.
And I hate that you feel this way.
Because I do too.
There isn't enough time...let alone energy...in the next 10 weeks for me to finish the To Do list.
Let's get ice cream and cry together. I'll even put nerds in it for you.
Saturday 7th of January 2012
I love that you'll indulge me in my Nerds and ice cream thing. That's a true friend. (Though a fried friend is something different.)
We can do this.