Today is the day, people. This is it.
In approximately 13 hours, I will land in San Diego and HUG KATE SLUITER‘S FACE. Even though she is not a hugger.
And? I will be at BlogHer with the most fantastic roommates ever in Alena, Diana, and Suz.
3,000 like-minded people will descend on the same place to learn about the same things: blogging, social media, and networking. People will meet their friends, some for the first time and some in reunion. There will be parties and events. There will be random meet-ups in hallways and Starbucks.
I have great guest posts lined up to keep y’all entertained (and starving) in my absence.
In short, the weekend will be awesome.
While I may be cool, calm, and collected (AND EXCITED) on the outside (thanks to my deodorant, no doubt…I mean, the deodorant doesn’t make me excited…), I am freaking out on the inside.
Like, “I could burst into nervous tears at any moment and my digestive system is on no-go-for-launch status” freaking out.
I have only flown by myself once. And it was a one-hour flight to Memphis. IT DOESN’T EVEN COUNT REALLY!
My students? I have only seen them for two days. And while I have threatened verbal beatings when I return if they misbehave, I found out who my substitute is and I’m scared of the report I’ll see on Monday.
But most of all, I am really, really going to miss my boys. A lot.
Last night I put Joshua to bed so I could be close to him. He drank his milk and counted the characters and numbers on his cup. He said good night to Wall-E, and Thomas, and Miss C, and the Backyardigans, and Spider-man. I told him I loved him. And that I’d miss him. And that I loved him some more.
And then he said “Get ih bed.” And I kissed him a few times and put him down.
I worry that going is the right thing to do. If I’ve done everything I could do to make their time without me as painless as possible. If they’ll be okay without me.
I know they’ll be okay.
I know we’ll all be okay.
Better than okay.
But? I’m still freaking out on the inside.
Rocky Mountain Mama
Wednesday 3rd of August 2011
Aww! You will have a blast Miranda! And the boys will most definitely be fine without you. Give Kate a face hug for me, too. K? I can't wait to hear all about BlogHer!
Wednesday 3rd of August 2011
have fun! i may be slightly jealous!
Wednesday 3rd of August 2011
I was completely freaking on the inside when I left for RAGBRAI. I had just spent a week at the beach with the family . . . with the kids all day & night. And I left, knowing that I wouldn't be able to see them, at all.
It allowed me to recharge, and have fun, and do things that I'm willing to admit that I owed to myself. But, it still freaking sucked - the pain from missing them was palpable. It didn't ruin the trip, at all, but it was always there.
You're going to have a great time. you're going to miss your boys, I'm sure . . . but that missing will just make the hugs & smiles & kisses that much sweeter when you get back home.
Wednesday 3rd of August 2011
Have fun momma! And they will be fine. I had to hop on a plane in March unexpectedly and leave the hubs and Abby for like 5 or 6 days. I made a crockpot meal for them. I prepped him on dropping Abby off at daycare, and I cried a little. But when I got back, the look on Abby's face when she saw me was priceless! Seriously, have loads of fun!
Alison@Mama Wants This
Wednesday 3rd of August 2011
Perfectly okay to freak out. Your boys will totally be okay and so will you. Have fun!!