There was a point in time when I craved time in my own house without the husband and child around.
I craved peace and quiet and freedom to do nothing.
But when I get that freedom, I find that I’m sorely lacking in ways to adequately spend that time. So I do things like schedule dentist appointments and run errands to the post office and the butcher’s shop.
Yes, I’m serious.
The dentist’s office? Not my idea of a great time. Especially since my last cleaning was in September. Of 2008.
(Somewhere, some of you just gasped and got all pearl-clutchy. It’s okay. Me too.)
In short? I have “chalky enamel” and “soft spots” and “cavities.”
So now I have to have fillings done and use a special toothpaste and we talked treatment plans and OMG. I hate dental work to the point that I want to just be knocked out and get implants (and lipo if he’s capable…).
Stupid teeth.
I’m supposed to stay away from carbonated drinks, sweets, chips, and anything with fermentable sugars. Which is pretty much EVERYTHING.
Except wine is okay.
(The hygienist is my bestie’s mom and we all like to share a glass or three of pinot grigio on occasion. But not while she has sharp pointy things near my mouth.)
Getting to do a whole lot of reading into the fictional lives of Kalle Blomqvist and Lisbeth Salander was nice. And if wine in the middle of the day were more acceptable, that would’ve been nice, too. Because OUCH. My teeth are all hurt-y.
But the teeth hurt-y wasn’t the worst part of my day.
The worst part was being without my best pal.
I feel all lost and out of sorts without hearing his little toddler voice asking me to do things for him. Or speaking toddler-ese to his trains. Or scolding the dog for some imaginary crime she’s perpetrated on him.
My arms feel empty without him to cuddle.
I miss every single piece of him when I’m home and he’s not.
Even the stinky parts and the whiny parts and the cranky parts.
Every. Part.
(Only one day left to enter my thirty-one gifts giveaway, y’all. DO IT. Please.)
(Oh, and? You can still vote for ALL the blogs (not just mine) in the Mental Wellness category at Circle of Moms. Do that too. Please.)
Kenna Ray
Tuesday 12th of July 2011
I have this thing where I want the kids to go away when they're here, but I miss them like crazy when they're gone. They were away for 10 days this summer. I was going crazy. They were back a day. I was going crazy. Notice a pattern?
Thursday 9th of June 2011
if ever i forget that I am reading a southern belle? you quickly remind me with your pearl clutching. Love that.
also? I am out of control about maxing out my dentist visits. Love getting my teeth cleaned.
I am weird. yes.
Thursday 9th of June 2011
I actually like having my teeth cleaned, but I HATE taking time off from work for dentist appointments and NOTHING is conveniently located in relation to anything else around here.
Daycare is 20 minutes in the opposite direction of the dentist, so if the dentist appointment is for 11:00 and it's a week when I'm off? I have to leave the house by 8:00 because I don't want to drop Joshua off in the middle of the morning.
Stupid inconvenient everything.
Thursday 9th of June 2011
I. Hate. The. Dentist. That is all.
Bonus that you can still have wine! Yay!
Thursday 9th of June 2011
The dentist said the following will cause my teeth to fall out of my head:
Sweets, sodas, chips, all things yummy.
So if wine hadn't been left? I would've cried.
Wednesday 8th of June 2011
I totally wasted a DUAL NAP TIME yesterday at the stupid dentist, having my very first cavities (which aren't even really cavities, just soft spots that will probably turn into cavities so they're dealing with them now) filled. It wasn't as bad as I had IMAGINED, but it was still sucky. SUCK TO THE -Y. In 6 weeks I go back to have the other side (the WORSE side) done. I think I'll make sure both kids are awake when I leave.
Thursday 9th of June 2011
Those soft spots? That's what I have. But in the past 2.5 years since my last cleaning they've become slightly more than just soft spots.
And yes, make sure they are awake. Do not waste the nap time!
Elizabeth Flora Ross
Wednesday 8th of June 2011
"I craved peace and quiet and freedom to do nothing.
But when I get that freedom, I find that I’m sorely lacking in ways to adequately spend that time. So I do things like schedule dentist appointments and run errands to the post office and the butcher’s shop."
OMG, that is SO me! I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I think. ;) Also? You just reminded me I am way overdue for a dental cleaning! Calling tomorrow...
Thursday 9th of June 2011
So not alone. And DO NOT SKIP THE DENTIST. Call now!