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I’m officially part of Sluiter Nation. Boom.

I wanted to call this guest post series How Kate Got Her Groove Back but my SpideyEnglish-Teacher-senses tell me that’s maybe plagiarism. Or something. And by “or something” I mean “totally not what Kate wanted to call the series but would’ve if she’d asked me.”

(Also? I do not think I actually have that kind of control over people for those of you just joining us…ahem.)


Kate asked for a guest post and because I’m so generous and giving like that, (or, because I cannot pass up an opportunity to guest post) I delivered.

I dug deep into the recesses of my adolescence to bring you:

Holy Rolls.

Go. Read. Laugh. Love.

Happy Wednesday.

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Friday 15th of April 2011

i loved this post Miranda! All damn day I kept going back to read it to give myself a chuckle.

plus? you totally have that kind of control over people. shut up. :)

welcome to the Nation, my friend.


Friday 15th of April 2011

Thanks for welcoming me to the nation!

Jess@Straight Talk

Wednesday 13th of April 2011

For reals. Overalls? Seriously I still can't get past that. It's quite interesting to me. Did YOU wear overalls???


Friday 15th of April 2011

Yes. For real. Overalls. And I probably had an overalls dress or skirt or something. So yes, I, too, wore overalls. But I had all of my teeth.

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