I love entertaining. If I could throw a get together every weekend I would. Even though they exhaust me.
My house is nothing fancy. It’s well-laid out, but sometimes seems small for the three of us. It feels like it’s only half decorated to me at any given moment. There are rooms whose doors remain closed for the duration of the visits of others. But still. I love inviting friends over for whatever reason I can imagine. And when people come over, my house suddenly feels like it’s the perfect size.
I also happen to think I throw a pretty kick-ace party. I make sure there’s plenty of food and beverages and that people know it’s okay to make themselves at home. I introduce everyone. I try to circulate and talk to everyone. I get all giddy when people strike up conversations with one another. Like I’ve made some kind of new-friend-love-connection or something.
My house is happiest when there are people in it.
But there’s that exhaustion thing…
Right now? I’m about 5 minutes away from bed. I can’t see me staying awake much longer. In fact, I’m pretty sure I could fall asleep sitting up right here on the couch and be completely unphased.
I’m not sure what it is about throwing parties that is so exhausting. The preparation? The worry over whether everyone will have a good time? The entertaining itself and having to be “on”?
Who knows?
Dan said to me earlier today that he thinks we should have Joshua’s next birthday party somewhere not our house. But if we did that I wouldn’t get to break out my serving platters or get all DIY crafty crafter!
But I also wouldn’t have to worry about filing a claim on my homeowners insurance when someone is inadvertently mangled by a laundry avalanche after opening the wrong door either, so that’s a definite bonus.
I think I’m just going to sleep on this decision.
Sunday 27th of March 2011
I am the same way. But I HAVE to have Eddie's party at our house. We did it at my mom's last year because there would be so many people. But this year? I want to show off my mom talents :)
Monday 28th of March 2011
See? I think I will have to have Joshua's parties at my house, too. Because I love it too much to not have them there, at least until he's old enough to give me input on what he wants for his parties.
Sunday 27th of March 2011
I think most of it is anticipation, and of course the work to make everything just perfect. I KNOW I'm not even close to Martha because my party throwing skills suck. Hard. I've only thrown one home bday party for the girl, but something tells me thanks to Twitter and Etsy...that's all gonna change very soon.
Monday 28th of March 2011
I love throwing parties. Love it. And maybe my skills aren't as fantastic as I think they are, but I still love throwing parties.
Sunday 27th of March 2011
My husband frequently shakes his head at me when I go all out for gatherings. I'm like a cooking and baking machine and I forget that the house isn't even cleaned up yet. Meh...people only care about the food anyways ;)
Sunday 27th of March 2011
True. And the food yesterday was good.