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The Best Things in Life Are Free! It’s Win-it Wednesday!

Remember when @KSluiter had us write about our Internet Christmas Lists?  Well I do.

I got sucked into an Etsy vortex that led me (via Twitter) to the shop of Eleri Designs.  While there, I stumbled upon a coffee cozy that rocked my face, so I told the owner (@sshainline) that I loveloveloved it.

And do you know what she did?

She sent me the coffee cozy to review.

After waiting and emailing back and forth, the day finally came! My package arrived! The cozy was here! THIS MEANT TRIPS TO STARBUCKS!!!!


I opened the mailing envelope to find this:

For ME???

People, if you can’t tell, this is bigger than a coffee cozy.  Unless the coffee is Jolly Green Giant sized (which, come to think of it, sounds about right for my caffeine needs.)

Here’s what I found when I untied this ribbon.

These? Are reusable, eco-friendly giftbags.

These little gift bags saved Christmas.  Have you ever tried to wrap up a bag of pistachios?  No?  What about a velcro toss-mit set for your White Elephant exchange?  No?

Well I did.

And these bags were perfect for those odd-shaped and hard to wrap gifts!   

(And because my primary camera is also a cell phone and therefore not reliable for all photos unless you are perfect [which I am decidedly not] there isn’t a good picture of this bag in action. And I could’ve SWORN there was one of the pistachios. Picture taking FAIL.)

This? Is the softest, most awesome little lap blanket.

This little lap blanket is fought over in my house. I am kind fond of using it when I curl up on the couch.  I don’t want to put my slippers on the furniture, but I don’t want my feet to be cold. And I don’t want to wear socks AND slippers.

So what do I do?

I put this little bit of softness over my calves and feet and TADA! Warm feet!

Occasionally, I’ll have it a quilt in my lap and this blanket near by so that I can feel the softness of the back of it. Then Dan accuses me of being a blanket hog. Which I kind of am but that’s not really the point. You’d fight over this too if there was one in your house you could fight over.

I’ve also grabbed this a time or two on the way out the door to use as a lap blanket for Joshua when it’s really cold in the car in the mornings.  Since it’s not safe to put babies in car seats with their coats on, he needs a little warmth until the heat gets going.  And he loves the blanket!  See?

Yes, I waited until the car was parked at daycare to take the picture.

But where are the coffee cozies, you ask?

Oh, they are here.  And they are fantastically cute!


No, the car isn’t moving. Yes I strategically arranged the tag.
Double-fisting it from the school coffee shop one morning.
Again. No photo-ing and driving. And? I’m rocking a scarf.

Y’all, I LOVE THESE COFFEE COZIES! They are just so fun and spunky and perfect! I get comments like “ohh, that’s so neat!” whenever I pull one out of my purse at Starbucks and hand them back the little paper sleeve!

(Not gonna lie.  Getting comments like that? Totally a stroke of my ego. It makes me feel all trendy and earth-conscious and stuff.)

At any given time, at least one of these cozies is in my purse and the other is in my teacher bag.  I. Always. Have. One. Because I love them that much.  They’re just so…so…fun!


One lucky reader is going to win a $50 shop credit to
Eleri Designs
Think about what you could do with this.  Buy a bunch of coffee cozies to have on hand to pair with Starbucks gift cards as gifts (or to keep for yourself!). Or buy a super soft baby blanket and a bib for your little one or someone you know who is expecting.  OR–here’s something awesome–you can convo her for a custom order! She can do purses, lanyards, larger blankets (WANT!) and more!

How to enter:

Go visit Eleri Designs and then come back here and tell me what you like
Right now she’s featuring bibs, blankets, and coffee cozies. 
Tweet this giveaway:
The Best Things in Life are Free! Win a $50 shopping spree to Eleri Designs with @sshainline & @notsuperjustmom!
Come back here and let me know you tweeted!
You may tweet once a day but let me know each time you do!

(You can use that little “Tweet Me” button down there to do this, too and just enter your own text!)
to give non-Tweeters another way to enter,
leave a comment and tell me your favorite coffee drink!
What do you get when you splurge!? 
(Unfortunately, you can only tell me one favorite coffee drink. 
Hrmph. I’m trying to make this fair. Tweet, people! 🙂 It’s all kinds of fun!)

This contest is open to EVERYONE, no matter where you live!  WOOHOO!!  

(Just understand that international shipping may take longer, and Eleri Designs is based in Canada.)

The winner will be chosen on Monday, January 24th around 8:00 p.m. EST 
The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or another winner will be chosen.  

Don’t want to wait to win?  Use the code JUSTMOM at checkout for 20% off your total order!

Yay!  Happy shopping!

The Legal Stuff:  Stacey of Eleri Designs offered to send me the coffee cozy and bags to review. She surprised me with the blanket. She did not surprise me with my opinion of these products. No amount of coffee in the world could buy my opinion. And no amount of money could buy my opinion, either. Unless, as has been previously stated on several occasions, said monetary contribution were enough to cover my student loans. I’d sell my opinion for that.  Maybe.

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