Like meeting Katie.
Because Katie? Is awesome.
She had this idea to dedicate a week to writing about blogging. And after emailing back and forth about a few things, I threw it out there that I’d be willing to team up with her if she wanted me.
And I’m excited to say that she is letting me tag along on a little adventure called…wait for it…wait. for. it.
“For the Love…of BLOGGING.”
This is totally her brainchild. But because I believe in blogging and because I believe in her and because I believe that there is strength in numbers when you’re trying to share an idea, next week’s posts on NSJM will be dedicated to…uh…blogging. 🙂
I’m thankful for the opportunity to work with Katie for many reasons, the least of which is that we are basically the same person but separated by geography.
The schedule for next week?
Top Ten Tuesday–The Yin and Yang Edition
Writing Tips Wednesday
Q & A Thursday
Fun Friday
Next week is going to be awesome. Promise.
And there will be GIVEAWAYS on Friday that you’re going to LOVE!
(Speaking of giveaways, did you enter the one I have going on now? You should!)