I did NOT, in fact, lose 2.5 pounds last week. I lost 1.5 pounds last week. And a half pound this week. For a whopping total of two pounds lost in two weeks.
If you start at 199 and then are down to 197.5 and then are down to 197, that is only two pounds. I am math-skills-deficient.
I feel like a loser. Err…a NON-loser.
You see, I had wine on Friday night after the game. And then we went to Moe’s on Saturday. And Barberito’s on Sunday. And instead of ordering the Junior or Mini versions at either of those places, I ordered the regulars.
How stupid am I?
See, all last week, I weighed myself almost every morning. I know, I know. Weigh once a week. But I couldn’t stop! Every morning after I peed and stripped off my pajamas, I HAD to see what the scale said. By Wednesday, I was down to 195. That’s FOUR pounds!!! (And yes, that math is correct!)
I was feeling AWESOME. And then I got cocky.
And I had burrito-y goodness TWICE. And I didn’t drink water and that was just stupid.
So I’m on the McFatty Wagon, rocking my whopping TWO pounds lost.
And I’m making a solemn vow to NOT be swayed by the goodness of the burrito this weekend.