I am not a Supermom.
Except for when I get up three times a night, wake up on time, manage to shower, wash, dry, and style my hair, put on makeup, keep Joshua from throwing things in the toilet, get him dressed, make his bottles, pack lunch for both of us, kiss the husband goodbye, and still make it to work on time (with the help of coffee, of course!). Then I kind of feel like a Supermom.
And then I come home in the evening and it’s the same thing as the morning only in reverse and without the shower and the lunches.
And in the middle of that, I managed to teach a few teenagers a thing or two about life and literature and manners. Cool, huh?
But really, I’m not super.
I’m just normal.
And doing the best that I can. Or at least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself.
But I’m pretty sure that with a cape and a tiara, I could definitely save the world.
Wednesday 28th of April 2010
I'm always a fan of yours
Amber Page Writes
Wednesday 28th of April 2010
Dude, if you can teach teenagers anything, you are a super hero.
Mighty M
Wednesday 28th of April 2010
Loving your new blog concept - awesome!! And I am happy to be your first follower!! :)