Or is it Year-End Review?
I suppose either works.
I’ve hardly noticed that today is the end of 2009, aside from the RIDICULOUS lines at the grocery store and the lack of black-eyed peas on the shelves. (Never fear. I found some. In the freezer section. But I forgot ham chunks, so I think I’ll be making a return to the grocery store. Bummer.)
Anyway, I thought I’d link you to some of my favorite posts from the year, the good, the bad, and the funny.
My Pregnant Battle with Support Pantyhose
A Little Inspiration for You
One of Many “Is It Monday? ‘Cause it sure feels like it” Posts
One of Many Posts About How Much I Love My Husband
Cheese, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways!
So that was longer than I intended. Read one, read them all. It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to share. In looking back through the year, one topic that received regular attention was Joshua’s lack of naps. And it makes me realize that he has NEVER been a good napper. Why, WHY do I think this is going to change? I have no idea.
Anyway, here’s to 2010. Cheers!
See you later, 2009.
Friday 1st of January 2010
Happy 2010!!! What a wonderful gift being a mom, isn't it?? My first and only baby (for now) is 15 mo and it's been a great adventure! I've learned so much through her!
BTW... I found you on SITS!
I'll start following your blog!
Friday 1st of January 2010
hang in there. my daughter was a horrible napper until she was about 6 months old. suddenly she started napping twice a day!
Happy new year to you!
Friday 1st of January 2010
Great posts. Just stopping by from SITS. Happy New Year!!
Friday 1st of January 2010
Good luck with naps in the new year!
Stopping in from SITS. Happy New Year!
Erin Bassett
Friday 1st of January 2010
My nap time rule is "you don't have to sleep, you just have to rest" (so I can rest!!)
Have a happy New Year!!