I’ve been popping in and out of Facebook all day today and an overwhelming number of posts are about looking back on the year we’ve just lived and looking forward to the one which starts tomorrow.
That makes sense what with today being the last day of 2015 and tomorrow being the first day of 2016. Anyway.
Not one to buck trends too hard, I thought it might be time to sit down and think back on the past year in the 20 minutes I have before I have to finish my appetizer for tonight’s New Year’s Eve party with the neighbors and also shower so I’m not the smelly one at the party. No one likes a smelly neighbor.
2015, you haven’t sucked.
We started the year living with Dan’s parents, checking on the progress of our new home every chance we got. We held our annual birthday-palooza complete with bacon mac and trampolines and it was good.
As we celebrated nine years of marriage, we also started our new life here in our new home. Our hopefully forever home. This is where our kids will grow up and where we’ll be when they come home to visit.
Home. For the first time in a long time, I feel settled and where I’m supposed to be. The sense of community I’ve sought since…well…for a long time now has been found.
This year was a good one, maybe one of the best ones, and it wasn’t because of any one thing or person. I can’t put my finger on it, but I sit here looking back and the only feeling I have is happy. The only feeling I have as I look forward is hope.
That’s not a bad way to end the year, you know?
Life this year hasn’t been perfect, but it’s been wonderful. Thanks for being a part of it.