I’m on day 4 of AT&T being a bag of screwballs with our home Internet connection with their official word being that our service should be restored tomorrow night following their “unplanned” outage.
Unhappy, thy name is Miranda. And that’s putting it mildly.
You’d think that not having Internet access at home would make me…productive? Zen?
I could scale Laundry Mountain without Sherpa Dan’s help. I could finish painting those salt dough ornaments. I could sort the toys and decide if a dining room-to-play room conversion is a good idea and then make it happen. I could clean out my car. I could exercise.
Or I could be all “ahhhh! My life is peaceful and full of bliss without the Internet mucking it up! Hiatus forever!”
But no. Neither of those is taking place. And let’s be real. That exercise thing is a shot in the dark under any circumstance at all. And so is that quitting the Internet thing.
Because I can’t quit you, Internet. I may have dropped NaBloPoMo like a dozen hot potatoes, but I can’t just quit.
For one, my COUPONS are here.
Do you know how crazeballs it is for me to grocery shop without a list and coupons? I ambled through the store with both kids buying things and thinking “oh, I totally have things to put with this!” not knowing if that’s even remotely true. But just in case I get to the point of cooking dinner and realize all I have is cubed steak, there are party pizzas to save me.
Most of all, my people are here.
You people keep me sane when Joshua won’t stop touching me and Emma is screamcrying to be picked up and then immediately wants to be put down and then picked up again. Wash, rinse, repeat at 3:00 a.m.
I’ve got posts I want to write and posts I have to write and people to chat with and pictures to share. And it’s all trapped in a computer like some giant case of information constipation.
This is annoying.
Amie Detwiler
Monday 3rd of December 2012
OH THANK GOD....YOU'RE BACK. I seriously have been checking the blog like 3 times a day (yes I'm that kind of creeper)......I was going through Super Mom withdrawl. No internet would mean no TV either for us...and let me tell you that would suck, although thank god for dvd's. Anyhoo....I'm very happy to see a new post! Welcome back to the WWW!
Monday 3rd of December 2012
Someone missed me! Hooray! :)