About a month or so ago, I made it my goal to only shoot in manual. I had virtually no idea what I was doing, but I asked questions, got answers, flipped the camera to “M” and took off.
Today the weather was nice and the sky was overcast, so we hit up a local park so I could take some pictures of Emma and Joshua could burn some energy so he’d take a nap.
Here are a few extra photos from today’s adventure in manual.
Tuesday 13th of November 2012
Looking good!
Duffy actually took some photography classes & understands about stuff like f-stops & stuff. It just boggles me.
Monday 12th of November 2012
Okay so think of it like this. Lets say you have your aperture as wide as it can go (small f number) but your shutter speed isn't high enough to stop motion or get a good image without using a tripod (you have motion blur) up your ISO. Outside during the day you're 100-400 as ligh gets lower you bump your ISO. Not sure what camera model you have so I don't know how noise levels are at your higher isos but don't be afraid to bump it up. I shoot in 1600 a lot and my camera isn't anything fancy. Hope that helps.
Monday 12th of November 2012
So, slow shutter speed = higher ISO?
Monday 12th of November 2012
What awesome photos! And I LOVE the self portrait- very glam :) xx
Monday 12th of November 2012
Thank you!
Monday 12th of November 2012
HEY! They're all properly exposed and you've got creative composition and stopped motion. That's pretty freaking awesome for a newbie. Way to go!
Monday 12th of November 2012
Thanks! Manual isn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Except I still don't understand ISO and let my camera do that for me. So I'm a manual cheater.