The lovely Veronica has a link-up happening right now that I think is really fun. Particularly because of what I’m linking you back to.
The idea is to link to a post or put up a photo or discuss a moment from exactly one year ago today as a way to see where you are and how far you’ve come.
Exactly one year ago today, I wrote a post titled “Funny, I don’t remember packing that.”
There was shock and maybe inappropriate high-fiving.
I spent a lot of the last year kind of depressed and terrified and wondering how I would ever do this mom of two thing and whether or not I was really screwing up Joshua’s life.
Today I’m here:
I quit my job as a teacher and found a new one that I love more than seems fair. Joshua is no worse for the wear. And I may not be great at this mom-of-two thing all the time, but I’m doing it, y’all.
What a difference a year makes.
Saturday 25th of August 2012
dude. Tell me Emma has your personality because dude. she is SO YOU in this picture. I WANT TO SQUISH HER!
And it is CRAZY what a difference year makes. CRAY ZEE.
Thursday 23rd of August 2012
This is an awesome post to see; I think we all question our ability as moms sometimes, and I can't even imagine having two kids at this 5 month old is hard enough! Also, what a cool are so lucky!
Veronica Armstrong
Thursday 23rd of August 2012
What a beautiful memory to share! Funny how things change *so* fast. And you *are* great SND your family is beautiful. I also hope a year from now things are even more awesome. Somehow. Maybe more beautiful babies for me to plan to steal? : ) Thanks so much for linking up. This was lovely.