Just in case you don’t know already, because you live under a rock or your Internet died or something, I’m in NEW YORK CITY. With a baby. But y’all, NEW YORK CITY!
Despite the fact that BlogHer is a blogging conference, blogging while here is challenging because this conference is go-go-go. Right now I’m writing this post courtesy of a nursing Emma who keeps me from doing productive things like showering.
So while I’m here, in an effort to save time and have something for new people to read, I’m sharing a few posts from the NSJM Vault. These are posts that are Google’s favorites, your favorites, and my favorites
Today we’re starting with the most searched-for topic that brings people to NSJM. It’s not even a post about motherhood. It is, however, proof thy I love Dan a whole lot.
A Letter to my Husband on His Birthday
Dear Dan,
Happy birthday!
I love you. More than you will probably ever know.
You are my best friend. My confidante. My rock. You have carried this family through so many tough moments over the past two years and if I live to be 100, I could never begin to repay you for that.
You make me laugh when I don’t feel like laughing. Which makes me smile. Which lightens my heart in a way I didn’t think possible in that moment. I’m so thankful for that quality in you.
Watching you play with our son assures me that I married well. Not for money, but for love. And there is so much love in your heart.
You are kind and generous. And I don’t give you enough credit for that sometimes. Or ever.
I don’t give you enough credit for how great you are to me. To us. For us.
And you are great. Greater than you think you are. Greater than you know you can be.
I love you for that. For your greatness and your modesty.
I cherish the thought that I will spend the rest of my life with you.
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Sunday 5th of June 2016
Good morning Falcon and thanks for hints and explanations, a three star+ for me today, I enjoyed this one, nearly all the clues read nicely and are ‘workable’ fav clue today 24a,I am hoping my dog comes along with me now the new site is up and running, we will see in just a moment!
angela king
Thursday 2nd of August 2012
have fun at blogher! i can't wait to next year and hopefully i can make it. :)