I miss this space. Blogging. I hate that for so much of Emma’s pregnancy, I was absent from this part of my world. I guess I was living. Or I just had to prioritize and deal with one thing at a time and blogging go shoved to the side.
Anyway, I want to be back here. I want to be blogging again. Regularly. I need this outlet, you know? These connections that I’ve made and have allowed to flounder. I need to write and share and overshare.
In the spirit of blogging, here goes a little brain dump:
- The blog is undergoing maintenance this weekend and even though I know things should be fine, and even though I haven’t blogged regularly in close to 9 months, maintenance always scares me. What if the blog implodes and just disappears? What if *poof* it’s all gone? Scary.
- The sound of fingers on a keyboard must be like nails on a chalkboard to Emma. The minute I start to type, she wakes up from a dead sleep and is all “MILK LADY PERSON! GET ME NAOW!” Like, my attention cannot be diverted from watching her sleep. Which, admittedly, I’ve been doing quite a great deal. She’s just so…peaceful. See?
- Emma is also kind of particular about my boobs and must know where they are at all times. And usually that means one of them is out of my shirt. It’s kind of like she has lo-jack on them. If she’s asleep and I put one away, she’s awake and needs the boob back out. Then she’ll go back to sleep and wash, rinse, repeat. I think my boob is her lovey.
- I’m kind of obsessed with Instagram lately, so I started the #PhotoADay challenge for May. There’s an assignment each day and you take a picture and upload it to wherever you want to whore out your pictures and have fun. And I’m having fun. I’ve even resurrected my Snapshots page.
- I’m managing to get a decent amount of sleep each night either because 1) the Universe smiled upon me with this child, 2) I’m less worried about creating “bad habits” and more concerned with getting sleep at all costs no matter what, or 3) both. And if I don’t get enough sleep at night, I go back to sleep with Emma’s first nap of the day and I don’t feel even a little bit bad about it.
- I’ve conquered a trip to the park and the grocery store with both children thanks to the new technology of the iPhone and the old “technology” of babywearing. Thank you, Moby wrap. These are both post-Target meltdown outings which makes them infinitely more full of awesome.
- I picked up Glee for TV Fanatic. I’m writing three nights a week now. I absolutely love it.
- Mid-afternoon talk shows are kind of obsessed with weight loss. I’m looking at you Dr. Oz. And whatever it is I’m watching right now that’s been talking about plastic surgery while I have my mid-morning coffee.
There’s so much more I could brain dump here, but so much of it deserves a full post.
But that gives me a goal–tell my stories. Write them down.
Get back up on the horse.
Thursday 10th of May 2012
so good to hear your "voice"!!! Emma's perfection.
Thursday 10th of May 2012
thank you!
Tuesday 8th of May 2012
I'm with your Mama! I am glad you're back!
I have missed your words, my bestie!
But it makes my heart shine and smile that you are also having a wonderful second time around. We did it, yo.
And I LOVE following you on instagram because I am doing the photoadayinmay too...so fun. Instagram is my new addiction. It's insanity.
Thursday 10th of May 2012
I have missed putting my words here.
And yes, we did do it.
Tuesday 8th of May 2012
love you miss you can't wait to read! :)
Thursday 10th of May 2012
love you too!
Tuesday 8th of May 2012
Welcome back:) I know what you mean about the blog imploding lol. I am thinking of doing a massive overhaul in the Fall and well I am terrified and its months away! haha Looking forward to your posts!
Thursday 10th of May 2012
This is all back-end stuff and that sort of overhaul is always WAY more stressful for me than a design overhaul. Always. Even installing a new plugin damn near causes a panic attack.
Tuesday 8th of May 2012
I for one am glad you're back!
Thursday 10th of May 2012
Thanks, Mama.