Joshua’s kind of in love with Angry Birds.
“I play Angry Birds Daddy’s phone!?”
“I needa play Angry Birds on da cahPEWder!?”
“I play Angry Birds Joshie’s phone!?”
(Yes, he has a phone. No, he’s not ordering pizza or scheduling playdates. Yet.)
These are constant comments at our house. Constant. And I’m pretty sure Dan played Angry Birds on the computer for nearly an hour on Sunday morning because that’s how much the toddler loves the game (and how much Dan loves Joshua and me and values my sanity).
Last night we went to the grocery store and lo and behold the Christmas toy display!
Which, not coincidentally, is right as you walk in the door no doubt to con harried parents into buying whatever will hold Little Johnny still long enough for them to grocery shop.
Right atop said display? Plush Angry Birds characters as big as my toddler.
“ANGRY! BIRDS!,” he shouted.
So, being the good parents we are, we walked over to the display and talked about the birds.
And then the following scene took place:
“I needa RED Angry Bird!”
We handed Joshua the red Angry Bird plush toy.
“Daddy needa yewwow Angry Bird!”
Dan picked up the yellow Angry Bird plush toy.
“Mama needa pig!”
I picked up the green Pig plush toy.
And then a red Angry Bird was launched at me from across the grocery store aisle by my toddler kamikaze style.
End Scene.
I love that kid.
Everyday Hair: The Tucked Bun - Not Super Just Mom
Monday 18th of March 2013
[...] fan of Angry Birds and requires that we both have one so that we can actually be Angry Birds and play real-life Angry Birds. He’s cute. And at least I got to be the about-to-explode Black Bird this time instead of a [...]
Wednesday 7th of December 2011
You know, I was really surprised - I took the kids to Bass Pro Shop for a free picture with Santa on Sunday (because they were already in their church clothes). It was, roughly, a 45 minute wait in line, and we made it (though there were some harrowing moments).
Throughout the wait, though, I was surprised that we were surrounded by stuff like boat gas line cleaner and fishing poles . . . I really expected to have constant "Daddy, I need that"-type stuff.
My boy is all Star Wars, all of the time - yesterday, he got a Chewbacca character in the Star Wars Lego Advent calendar, and he actually spent the evening carrying him around, talking to him. It was kind of cute.
Wednesday 7th of December 2011
Joshua "needs" EVERYTHING. Everything. Which, of course, he does NOT. But the Angry Birds? He does need those if for no other reason than because they'd bring him such immense joy.
I went through his toys a couple of weeks ago to store some of them and I found some action figures he'd gotten for Christmas last year that were too small for him then. (Imaginext--they came with a squid monster prone to rolling around the floor and attacking feet. Great fun!) and he calls them his "mayuns!" He'll just carry them around. Or, well, he would before the dog ate one of their heads off.
Tuesday 6th of December 2011
We have the same toddler. I mean, the exact same. Only he got a black bird, dad got the Red one and moms pig has a crown.... And they sit on the other couch and chuck them at me. Get him plants vs zombies - then he will be chasing you yelling "zombies eat you brains!!"
Wednesday 7th of December 2011
Oh I heart this comment so much. Not because your toddler is throwing angry birds at you so much as because your HUSBAND is. Sounds like my house.
Wednesday 7th of December 2011
Hmmm, given my track record with zombie dreams, I'm askeered. But I'm amused that our boys play live-action Angry Birds!
Tuesday 6th of December 2011
Heck. Yes.
Did he do the sound effects? B does a pretty good one. "Ahhhh-HEE-ha!"
Wednesday 7th of December 2011
He does the "oink" but not the bird sounds. He's kind of in love with the oink, actually.
Tuesday 6th of December 2011
I seriously just spit water out on my keyboard. Oink.
Wednesday 7th of December 2011
Oink, indeed!