There’s something transforming about blogging. Something peace-bringing. Like flinging my words out on a keyboard actually flings them across the Universe where they are not only read but heard by The Powers That Be.
Writing that post Wednesday night–coming clean about how I’ve been feeling–lifted a burden off my shoulders. Made my heart a little lighter.
I woke up the next morning and I felt better. More like myself. Like the simple act of saying “I AM NOT OKAY” somehow made me more okay than I’d been in a week.
I’m not saying I’m perfect or healed or whole, but I’m better now than I was even just a few days ago. And that’s worth something.
I’m starting to see the world in color again instead of just black and white and shades of gray.
Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers and words of kindness. They meant (and mean) so much.
Tuesday 15th of November 2011
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us . . . not only do we get to know that you're trusting us . . . but we also get to know that we're not the only ones who are dealing with "being overwhelmed," too (even those of us who will never have humans growing inside of us).
Sunday 13th of November 2011
I'm so glad. Hoping that writing that was a turning point for you. I know once I admitted it on my blog I felt a TON better!
Sunday 13th of November 2011
Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without my blog - probably on some psychiatrist's couch ;-)
(((hugz))) Jamie
Saturday 12th of November 2011
I am glad that sharing is helping. I don't know why but pouring out your soul on your blog is really therapeutic. It has been helping me.
Saturday 12th of November 2011
yes, blogging is the shiz...I like reading this. you can do it. we are all here for you, momma.