I mean, I *AM* fluffy in that I’m soft in my middle. And thighs. And upper arms. And jowls. And I suppose I carry my fluff well.
But I’m not good at being fluffy here. On this blog.
When you don’t write regularly, people leave. But sometimes there’s a life happening outside the confines of the computer screen that has to be lived in order for there to be anything to write about. And more often than not the life that’s being lived is messy and uncertain and complicated.
I think that’s where I am right now. Sort of.
I’m in kind of a weird headspace right now. And rather than write fluff posts to keep something going up here, I’ve written nothing because I don’t know how to write what I want to write. I don’t know how to say what I need to say. And I can’t. Not yet at least.
So please hang on just a bit. I’ll write when and what I can.
But if I can’t, don’t hold it against me.
Tuesday 23rd of August 2011
Your words are worth waiting for. I love reading your posts and visiting your little corner of the interwebs. Take your time and find your peace. When you're ready write, we will read be ready to read. :)
Hopes@Staying Afloat!
Monday 22nd of August 2011
Just got here, so I'm not going anywhere!
You do what you need to do. We'll be waiting for you when you're ready!
Monday 22nd of August 2011
Miranda - some of us aren't going anywhere . . . we smile when we see NSJM in our email inbox, and we'll be back whenever you are. Promise.
Monday 22nd of August 2011
first time visitor here... i'm feelin the same way today. i'm in need of a fluff post bc i didn't post friday so something muuuuuuust go up and the only thing i can think to write about is that i hate my new pair of shoes. kill me.
Monday 22nd of August 2011
I really can't stand "fluff" posts (I know exactly what you mean by that) and admire your honesty in not trying to produce them so that you have something to put "out there". Say no to fluff!