It’s true. I read. All the time. It kind of comes with the territory of being an English teacher. Or maybe being an English teacher comes with loving to read books.
I decided to parlay my love of books into a gig where I could write about them. I signed up for the BlogHer Book Club to be given the opportunity to read and review books. The first book I read was The Beach Trees by Karen White.
Today? My first review went live.
Who doesn’t love a good “skeleton in the family closet” story, right? All families have them. The Guidry family of New Orleans is no different as Julie Holt, the main character in Karen White’s The Beach Trees, discovers.
Saturday 9th of July 2011
Awesome. Because I'm all about reading again and you can tell me what to read. Pride & prejudice is on my list.
Your review? Was all types of professional. I'll sparkled you when I'm not on my phone. It was solo types of literary critic. You're good.
Saturday 9th of July 2011
I absolutely adore reading. There's nothing like curling up with a good book and drifting away in the story!
I'll go check out your review now!
Friday 8th of July 2011
I wish I could get into reading again. I go through phases. I don't think I've picked up a book for more than ten minutes for months :(