Since I took that blogcation over July 4th weekend I’ve had a difficult time getting back into the swing of writing every day. Some bloggers would say “Oh, you don’t HAVE to write every day” and I know that and don’t put pressure on myself if I skip a Saturday or Sunday here or there.
But I WANT to write every day. I miss writing when I don’t do it.
I just find that I’m lacking in things to say because I’m getting really bogged down in the funk of the fact that yearbook camp is next week and pre-planning is the week after that and then school starts.
My summer’s over.
There are really cool things happening in the next few weeks (BlogHer and meeting some of the most awesome roommates on the planet) and I’m really excited about those things. I want to write about those things.
I’m just kind of stuck right now.
I’ve lost my mojo.
Or maybe my mojo’s just being crushed under the nine extra pounds I’m carrying around.
Friday 15th of July 2011
I am in a total funk too. Actually, I haz the lazys. It's much funner to be outside right now than inside and while I love writting, I also cringe at the fact that stupid summer doesn't last long. Also, I haz a case of the writers blockage...I blame the narcotics I'm on.
Thursday 14th of July 2011
do you want some of my mojo?
Thursday 14th of July 2011
You know, I have to agree with you.
Mental state about your physical state can really kill your mojo.
Do what I do.
All mirrors in house covered with black mourning cloth.
Works so well.
Thursday 14th of July 2011
No worries about a bloggy slow down. It happens when life is gearing up to get busy! In no time, you'll have words & posts flying off the laptop about Joshua, yearbook week {as a former HS editor-in-chief I wanna hear about this}, what you're doing to get back in to work swing of things, & of course BlogHer!
Thursday 14th of July 2011
See? There are so many things to write about and just nothing to say it seems.
Thursday 14th of July 2011
End of summer break = sad. But new school year, new opportunities, new beginnings? Always fun.
You've got a lot going on in that headspace of yours, I imagine. When you get it sorted out, we'll be here waiting to hear about it.
Thursday 14th of July 2011
It doesn't feel so fun this year somehow and that makes me sad.