I had plans to write something thought provoking and interesting and amazing and wonderful today.
And then I woke up.
And upon waking up, I snuggled my child while he had some milk and I waited for the coffee to brew.
And this? That moment? That’s how I’m spending my summer vacation.
I’m spending it with Joshua. As his mom. With my heart full.
Will he drive me completely bonkers some days? Yes, probably. And so will the dog. And at the end of the day, they’ll both still be allowed to live and breathe in this house.
My husband will come home from work and we’ll be a family. Together.
This summer, I’m going to sew.
I’m going to take “me-time” by going to the gym.
I’m going to write.
I’m going to love.
I’m going to live.
But right now? I’m going to nap.
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
Preach, sister.
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
I haven't even created a list of the things I will do now that school is out. I've been out for little over 1 week. Today? I blogged, then sat on my arse and watched TV shows On Demand cause during the school year? I'm too busy putting smiley faces on 7 year old homeworks to seriously watch TV. Cheers to another school year down!
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
Another school year down? I'll drink to that!
Cheers, indeed.
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
'the gym'...i vaguely remember something like that
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
I say I'm going to the gym. Me actually getting there? I'll believe it when I see it.
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
Enjoy ~ the naps, Mommy time, writing, reading & sewing. Can't wait to hear about it all.
Thursday 2nd of June 2011
I can't wait to DO it all!