In case you’re new here, April is Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness month. (And as it turns out, about 40 hundred other prevention months, too, the least of which is Autism awareness month, which is as near to my heart as this one.)
Last week was simple. Write a post. Spread the word. Tweet a link. Share it on Facebook.
Last week was about Blogging for Children.
This week? This week is about taking that conversation one step further.
This week the challenge is to step outside your personal comfort zone. To do something that will allow you to start a conversation. And to then HAVE that conversation.
We see reports of child abuse in the news all the time and we cluck our tongues and shake our heads and sigh and say “That’s so awful.”
But we don’t TALK about it until it hits the news. We don’t talk about how we never know which child is hiding scars, both physical and emotional.
This week I’m doing something small but out of character for me in hopes of garnering some attention from strangers and people I know. I’m also strongly considering having a blue streak put into my hair tomorrow at the salon. (Blue is the color of Child Abuse Prevention.)
Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I will talk about this issue. I’m not exactly one to shy away from talking. About anything. But especially not the hard topics. Ever.
What are YOU going to do? Think about it, then blog it, then come back NEXT Friday and link it up.
Today’s link-up is for LAST WEEK’S challenge. What did you write about this LAST week? If you didn’t write anything last week and you’re out of topics for today? Write it up today and link up. It’s never to late to spread the word. If you Tweeted or Facebooked, let me know in the comments!
Erin B.
Friday 8th of April 2011
Sorry about the typo in my link title!