A year ago I wrote this post: So he’s one
Today, my sweet, sweet boy is two years old. And I’m all reflective and happy-sad about it.
Last year I seemed so triumphant about his birthday. I was a motherhood warrior!
This year I feel all unsure of what to say. It’s all flown by so fast and I feel like I’ve missed it. Like it’s all swirled around me in a blur of laughter and tears and snot and happy.
He’s grown up so much I hardly recognize him sometimes. It’s hard to see his baby pictures and imagine that he was ever that small. It seems like he’s always been this big. This active. This in.to.everything.
He’s become this little person. He talks. He understands. He defies! (Uhh, about that…holy “terrible twos,” y’all.)
He’s still not sleeping through the night! WAHOO! (Oh, wait…)
He only eats peanut butter and cheese! ( o_o )
But mostly?
He’s perfect.
He’s MY perfect.
He’s brought about a change in me that is most decidedly permanent and most definitely good.
He has taught my heart what it means to love unconditionally.
He has taught my soul what it means to feel another person’s needs.
He has made me Mama.
Sunday 27th of March 2011
I read this on J's bday and for some reason never commented. Happy birthday to your whole family...especially Joshua. I can't believe how extremely fast it goes. I thought we just had babies?!!??
This is a lovely post, my friend.
Sunday 27th of March 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday to your little man! And just remember, one day he'll be off to work after eating a hearty breakfast, dressing himself and using the bathroom all on his own :D
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
Two is just such an amazing age. They get such personalities! It's tough at times but it's just so much fun to see them become their own little persons. Happy Birthday to your little guy!
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
Happy birthday, Joshua! Katelyn can't wait to get another hug from you! I hope you know how much your mommy and daddy love you. I know they celebrate you everyday, but this day is extra special. Have a ton of fun and eat lots of cake!!
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
Just about to watch my baby turn ONE...how is that possible? It seems like yesterday we were sitting in class trying to figure out what the heck was going on... And then again...that was a long time ago. Motherhood (both the step-kind and the biological kind) has been the best thing that ever happened to me! Happy Birthday, Joshua!