So today’s Top Ten is coming a little late since I’m way closer to tomorrow than I am to today. Better late than never, right? Right.
Today’s Top Ten is our non-selfish wishlists for Christmas. This is easy and hard. Easy because there are lots of things I want for others and the world like, for there to be Krispy Kreme stores with the hot lights on in Middle Eastern countries because a hot donut? makes people less vengeance-y and angry at the world. Share the love, Krispy Kreme. Share the love.
It’s hard because my grown-up Christmas list is really short. I’m not making it to ten on this one.
1. I want my mom and dad to be truly happy. We didn’t have a whole lot when I was growing up. We got by, but we never had an abundance of stuff. My parents live in an industry town that has fallen on really, really hard times. The tough economy is everywhere, but it’s especially rampant in my hometown where the decline in the major industry there has caused a domino effect throughout the entire community. The decline in industry caused both of them to lose their businesses. It’s caused financial hardships that they shouldn’t be facing right now in a time when they should be looking toward retirement (though the likelihood that either of them would ever truly retire is slim to none). I feel in my heart that neither of them has been truly, soulfully happy in a while and I want that for them more than I want happiness for myself.
2. I want only good things for my PPD/A Survivor Mamas. All of them. I don’t know how much more I really need to say about this one. There isn’t a group of women out there that I know who deserve more good things than them. They deserve happiness and wholeness and peace in their dark days.
And that’s about all I can think of. I want the big things, you know, like no more hungry children and peace on Earth, goodwill toward men. But if I really get down to it? Those are the two things I want. And those two things really boil down to one thing.
I want a whole lot of happiness for the people I love.