It seems some of y’all like me. A lot. And I’m deeply honored.
I was nominated for The Bump’s 2nd Annual Blog Awards in the category of Best Working Mommy Blog. It seriously made my day when I saw my name there. I don’t know why.
Today, I saw that I’d been named a finalist in the Best Working Mommy Blog category.
(This is my swallowing of my pride and manners and asking you to vote for me. No need to register or sign in. Just a couple of clicks after you follow that button are all it takes. [and you can vote as often as you’d like.] )
When I saw my name on that list today, I almost cried. Again, I don’t know why.
Maybe it’s because I’ve never really felt like people thought a great deal about me as a person, but this blog is ME. As a person. It’s my guts and I really love the people who’ve rallied around me on this journey.
Maybe I’m just extra hormonal tonight because I have a raging headache and Joshua’s got a double ear infection. (Again.)
Maybe it’s because I sort of feel accepted here in my own little corner of the internet. Because this little corner of the internet is helping me learn to accept myself.
So, thank you for supporting me. I owe you all cookies.