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Staying in a dorm room with a baby is kind of like staying in a hotel

Only smaller and without a private bathroom. And with uncomfortable beds. And no decor. And no television.

Joshua, however, doesn’t seem to mind at all.

He woke up happy at 6:30 this morning ready to dump his toys all over the floor and rearrange my shoes.  At the moment, I think he’s unpacking my entire suitcase.  I should zip it closed so that he can’t do that.

I, however, did mind this 6:30 wake up, despite the fact that I expected it. (But, it is giving me this time to type up a quick post, so there’s that.)

But at least he’s happy.  That’s really all I can ask for, you know?

He had yesterday once we got here.  He was able to roll, kick, and throw his ball up and down the hallway in the dorm.  And then we went to dinner and HE ATE.  Spaghetti and peas! (And Teddy Grahams.)  Actually, he ate all day yesterday and the sign for “more” has become the sign for “food.”  But at least he has a way to tell me he wants to eat now and I don’t have to guess when he’s on the verge of a breakdown.

After dinner it was time for E and I to start teaching some flag work and Joshua just monstered around outside while we practiced.  He loves being outside.  Yesterday was no exception.  Mom just chased him around and showed him bugs and clover. 


I suppose that, in the interest of my upcoming guest bloggers, I should tell y’all what it is I love about what I’m doing, right?

I love the kids.  I do.  I love seeing the accomplishment on their faces when they put the music and the marching together.  I remember what that felt like when I was in high school and I still love it.  When they “get” it, I get the warm fuzzies.

(True story–at the end of our rehearsal on Thursday, the band played through the show’s opener and the girls and I were in the hall listening. I got a lump in my throat when I heard them because they sounded great for it being their first straight run through the music.  I almost CRIED for them.  That’s how much I love this.)

I love the rush of performance.  There’s something about performing underneath the lights of a stadium that is hugely gratifying for one’s ego. The applause from the audience is for the whole group, but in the moment right after a show, especially when you’ve done particularly well, it feels like all of those cheers are just for you. 

That’s how it feels as a coach, too.  When the girls have a great performance, I swell with pride.  In that moment, all of the time I spend on this with these kids pays off.

Another thing that I love about marching band is that there is truly a place for everyone here.  There are cool kids and not-so-cool kids.  Smart kids and not-so-smart kids.  Athletic kids and not-so-athletic kids.  And they all work together to achieve a common purpose. 

There’s just something very cool about all this, you know? 

I don’t know…maybe I’m just a huge nerd/geek/dork/notcoolperson. 

I’m okay with that. 

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