Seriously. It’s horrible. I’m not a fan.
Okay, so even though there was a three day weekend this past weekend, we didn’t really get too much done. I spent the weekend in a funk and moping around and not being able to find any more Baby legs OR Robeez despite visiting two Ross’, two Marshall’s and two TJ Maxx stores. The universe conspired against me. Fubu? Check. Baby Rocawear. Double check. The things I actually WANTED? Of-freaking-course not.
Yesterday was not so bad. Work. Home. Dinner. Bed. But then, oh, then, Joshua decided to have a party at 3:00am. It was AWESOME, let me tell you. A total kegger. Only, instead of only ONE of his parents being up, we somehow BOTH ended up awake. Again. No bueno. Turns out, the little monster was hungry. Four ounces at 2:30 wasn’t enough. Four more ounces and an hour later, the kid passed out and was asleep so hard I had to wake him up to leave the house this morning.
Today, I come home to find out that the air conditioner has taken a giant dump on itself and doesn’t work. We just had it replaced in 2005. Of course it’s out of warranty. Of course it is. Why would it be under warranty still? I mean, that would just make life simple, right?
DH had to work until 7:00 tonight. He stopped by a big box store and got an oscillating fan (which makes me think of Mitch Hedberg jokes, which are hilarious) for the bedroom (but it isn’t really offering much in the way of cooler sleeping quarters at the moment) and finally rolled up at 7:45.
I have “Curriculum Night” tomorrow, which is kind of pointless six weeks into the semester and is not so beneficial (in my humble opinion) in high school. I will get to work by 8:00 tomorrow morning. I won’t get home until about 9:00 tomorrow night because I have practice right after school and right after practice is when parents will be arriving for open house. FANFREAKINGTASTIC. Normally, open house is on a Tuesday. In fact, I can’t remember a single time when it has occurred on any night OTHER than a Tuesday. But because the normal Tuesday of open house fell on the Tuesday after Labor Day this year, the powers that be decided to have it on a Thursday. This makes many people cranky. Me, obviously, included.
Friday night, there’s a football game. An hour away from the school. And DH has to work until 5:30. The only saving grace about Friday is that the school we’re going to is near DH’s work. But that means I have to pick Joshua up from school, drive him AN HOUR away from home so that I can hand him off to DH who will then drive AN HOUR BACK HOME with him, which means DH is going to have an AMAZING night tomorrow night. Or, DH will have to permanently change his Friday schedule so that he goes in at 7:00 and is off at 5:00 and Joshua will always stay at daycare until close to 6:00. Every Friday. I hate that. I hate that my baby will be at daycare for almost twelve hours on Fridays.
Saturday, I have a marching band clinic from 7 to 1. Guess what. Oh, yes, you guessed right. DH has to work. Which means Joshua has to go with me to the school. Which means NO morning nap. And NO time for me to pump while I’m there because I’ll have him with me the whole time.
Can it be next week already?? Please?? Someone put me in a time machine and fast forward me to next Friday.
Friday 11th of September 2009
Holy crap that sounds like a stressful week! Good news is that it is Friday and the weekend is here. Hope you have a better one this coming week!
Fruitful Vine2
Thursday 10th of September 2009
Oh no! I'm so sorry. Visiting from SITS. You were on roll call above me.