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New tricks all around!

Joshua can roll back to belly now! He’s been so close for days now. He would get his lower half completely over and then get stuck on his arm, his upper half remaining sideways.

This morning, after another particularly crappy night of infant sleep, we were all (Dan, me, Joshua, and Annie) sitting in the bedroom floor. He was SO close, again, and then, BAM! He rolled over. Twice.

I missed the belly to back roll (that he did for a week when he was 6 weeks old and hasn’t done since…) the first time he did it, and with daycare looming closer and closer on our horizons, I’m terrified I’m going to miss everything and he’ll be going off to college before I realize that he’s walking. I am so glad I didn’t miss this.

In other news, I have also learned a new trick.

I can pump while driving.

Yes, you read that right.

Nature called, so to speak, and I had to answer. While driving. I went to a friend’s birthday dinner last night and Dan stayed home with Joshua so we could protect his bed time, which is the only consistent time we can get the child to sleep. I sort of forgot to pump while I was there (HEY! I was talking to ADULTS for a change…) and I got in the car and noticed that I probably should’ve pumped before I left their house as my not-so-good friend, Engorgement, was getting ready to make the trek home with me.

I grabbed the closest thing to me that could serve as some sort of cover-up lest I show off my girls to those traveling to, well, wherever it was they were going. The closest thing was actually a waterproof crib-saver that’s been riding around in my car since the day my water broke. I tucked the corners of the crib-saver under my bra straps. Then, using the handy-dandy “hands-free” set-up I rigged with ponytail holders, I got the horns in place. While at a red light, I made sure all systems were go and turned on the pump.


Luckily for me, it was dark outside so other drivers were none the wiser when it came to my mobile food preparation services.

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Rocky Mountain Mama

Thursday 23rd of July 2009

LMAO! This is hilarious!

The Redhead Riter

Sunday 19th of July 2009

That is so exciting! He rolled over!

☼Hope you're having a sunshine ☼ filled Sunday!☼


Sunday 19th of July 2009

Good job, Joshua, but Mommy's trick is much more impressive. I need to try the ponytail holder trick or get an easy expression bra.

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