Joshua decided to get back into his usual groove last night. Thank GOD! That sleep stretch from 9:00 to 2:00 did WONDERS for me. Wonders, I tell you. At 2:00am, in my sleep-haze, I tried to put the pillow-with-a-ridiculous-name on BACKWARDS and had a hard time figuring out 1) why it wouldn’t fasten, and 2) where the baby table had disappeared to. Last night was so good that when he woke up at 5:00, I couldn’t remember him eating or me putting him back in the bassinet at 2am. Efficiency at it’s finest!
However, today has been no-nap day in Joshua-land. I have a call in to the GI nurse because I think it’s time to change the dosage of his reflux meds, or change meds altogether. When you can HEAR the baby refluxing all.the.time even though he’s had his medicine, there’s a problem. I know you can’t STOP the refluxing, but it can’t feel good for the babe.
Sorry for today’s snoozefest. I sort of wish that’s what we were having in my house right now…