So I just complained about my wee one’s inability to nap predictably, right?
Then I take him to the changing table and once he sneezes four times in a row, it dawns on me that he’s been doing that an awful lot today. And then he coughed, and I thought “hmmm…come to think of it, he’s been doing that an awful lot, too.”
Then he sneezed again and a huge (for him) bunch of clear snot came flying out of his nose.
I took his temperature and it’s normal, thank the Lord. But now I feel like a huge incompetent failure because I’m complaining that my kid won’t sleep and he’s obviously not feeling well.
I ran around the house in a panic (yes, seriously..the only thing missing was my arms flailing about above my head) and call the pediatrician’s office and the clinic nurse called back.
She asked about how he was eating, and then I realized that, now that she mentioned it, he hasn’t really wanted to stay on the boob today.
So, we’re going to the pediatrician’s office tomorrow to have him checked out since he isn’t really in the mood for food or a nap. (However, as I type, with two hands, the Moby has struck again and he is nestled up against me in the Hug Hold snoozing away.)
Why don’t babies come with owner’s manuals??
(I still maintain that it is a cruel joke of the universe that babies don’t know how to fall asleep on their own when they get tired.)