Joshua was up every two hours last night. Come to think of it, he’s been up every two hours for the past several nights.
Today is his appointment with the gastrointerologist, at freaking 8:30 in the morning. WTF was I thinking when I scheduled this appointment? What I was thinking was, “sure, my kid doesn’t nap regularly yet. 8:30 is PERFECT.” Only now, he’s starting taking a beautiful, precious, two hour morning nap and this appointment is smack in the middle of that AND the blood in his poop has disappeared in the last three days, which means I probably got into some dairy a week before Memorial Day and it has finally worked itself out of both of our systems so this appointment, and probably any subsequent testing, might be pointless torture to my adorable baby boy. (Holy run-on sentence, Batman. I blame the fact that it’s too early for me to be awake right now.)
And I probably won’t get to lay back down today because we have company coming over tonight and I’ve got to get some things ready for dinner.
Keep the coffee coming, mmkay?