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Things that make me love being a mom

Joshua slept like a champ last night. (This isn’t exactly what makes me love being a mom…) We put him in the bed at 11:00 and he didn’t start making any noises until 4:00am. He didn’t really wake up for another hour. So, I slept from 11:00 to 5:00. That is six hours of sleep and another night of sleeping through the night. My little man is learning.

Sometimes when Joshua is waking up from a nap, he is a super-grump. He wakes up crying and fussing, like he can’t decide if he wants to be awake or asleep and is frustrated about it.

This morning, I scooped him up out of the bassinet and took him into the nursery to change his diaper. He rubbed/smacked himself in the face with his hands a little bit and then opened his eyes up.

When he saw me, he smiled.

He smiled at me just because he saw me and not because I was tickling him or making silly noises or singing silly songs. He just opened his eyes, saw me, and smiled. What a way to start the day!

That, my friends, makes the sleepless nights worth it.

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Saturday 16th of May 2009

Aww, that is one of the best things about being a mom!

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