You know how people say when you love something you should let it go?
That statement does not necessarily apply to home Internet service, which I know I have complained about not having so often now people are probably on the verge of stuffing a dirty sock in my mouth just to get me to shut up about it. And yes, it’s a total First World Problem. I get it. That doesn’t make it suck any less when you’re used to streaming Netflix or using YouTube videos so you can pee in peace or just because you want to check and respond to your email on a computer instead of a cell phone, tap-tap-tapping out a message with your thumbs and hoping autocorrect doesn’t make you look like a giant buffoon.
Absence is definitely making this old heart of mine grow fonder.
Taking a break from blogging has reminded me that I am in no way ready to stop blogging any time soon. I’m not ready to stop creating and writing and sharing and sometimes oversharing and redefining boundaries. I’m not ready to quit this community, however near or far or large or small it is.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned* during this largely Internet-free summer, it’s that life goes on, even without the mysterious blips and bloops of 1s and 0s that connect us happening invisibly in the air.
If a blogger isn’t able to write about something he or she did, it really did still happen. (Conversely, some bloggers write about things that didn’t really happen and that’s bad form. Don’t do that.)
In a lot of ways, this has been a great summer. An amazing summer, probably because I haven’t felt the pressure to write about every little thing and worried about content and whether or not there was anything relevant or witty to say about yet another afternoon spent swimming and snacking and laughing.
The kids and I have spent our days lounging, library-ing, and going to the pool. Wash, rinse, repeat. And we’ve all been pretty happy about it.
It’s one of the first summers in recent years that I’ve truly, completely enjoyed. There have been some long, long days and moments where I’ve nearly wanted to crawl out of my own skin, but it’s been so lazy and laid back that those days have been few.
Joshua has grown into a kid who likes to turn on his lamp and read in bed before falling asleep. Emma has learned to tread water without her floatie. They’ve both made new friends with kids in the neighborhood.
I’m ready to proclaim it the “Best Summer Ever,” to borrow from the reigning most-played album in my Google Play App. (Teen Beach 2. Check it out. Bop along in the car and enjoy yourself. Thank me later.)
But all good things, you know?
Joshua starts school next week (first grade. NEXT WEEK.) and our summer is winding down.
Our long days together are getting shorter. My heart is already missing this.
*I already knew this.
John (Daddy Runs a Lot)
Wednesday 12th of August 2015
First world problem, perhaps . . . but I truly believe we are within 10 years of "internet service" being something that must be as accessible to every newly built home as water & electric.
Lastly, first grade? Really?! CJ starts kindergarten in two weeks, and I find myself . . . panicking over it.
Glad to know that things are going well & that your world is turning, even if you're not "here" as often as you might like.