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World Breastfeeding Week

The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week. Emma and I are almost 16 months into breastfeeding with no signs of slowing.

World Breastfeeding Week, Finding Walden

When she wants to nurse, she climbs into my lap, slaps my boobs, and then signs “please.” She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to ask for it. All day long.

The theme of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week is “Close To Mothers” and the emphasis is on support and peer counseling. I owe our success to the support we were given after she was born, both from the hospital staff and our family and friends. I owe it to the women online who are always ready to help troubleshoot, commiserate, and cheer other women on.

A tremendous amount of the credit for our success goes to Dan who picked up the slack in those early days of sitting on the couch nursing a baby for hours on end.

World Breastfeeding Week, Finding Walden

We’ve reached a point now where this is easy, but it wasn’t always that way. Early on there was always this struggle of balancing the needs of both kids. Countless hours over the past year have been spent with the three of us snuggled on that couch with a movie or books or toys while Emma nurses.

World Breastfeeding Week, Finding Walden

And now here we are. 16 months later, still snuggling on that couch at least once a day. The three of us. My children and me.

My children. Whose bodies I grew and nourished and nurtured. It’s this crazy thing to think about sometimes. Kind of surreal.

World Breastfeeding Week, Finding Walden

Sometimes it wasn’t easy. A lot of times it wasn’t easy. But it was worth it for me and if breastfeeding success is what another mother wants, I want to do what I can to help her reach her goals.

I’ve tried to pay forward the support and advice that I was given about how to manage the demands of two children when it feels like you’re doing nothing. I’ve tried to be a friendly ear to listen when she doubts herself. When others doubt her.

I’ve tried to say “Oh, Mama! You are doing an AMAZING thing. This will be worth it. This IS worth it.” Because it has been worth it.

It has absolutely been worth it.

World Breastfeeding Week, Finding Walden

World Breastfeeding Week, Finding Walden

(I’ve wanted totake nursing photos of Emma and me for a while now, so this morning my hair looked decent and I set everything up on a whim. Then Joshua saw the remote shutter in my hand, grabbed it, and started snapping. These are some of my favorite photos now. Not too shabby, best boy. Not too shabby at all.)

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Wednesday 7th of August 2013

These pictures are great, the spontaneous ones sometimes hold the most meaning.

And so great that you've been able to go so long with Emma!


Tuesday 6th of August 2013

I LOVE all of these photos and your beautiful breastfeeding story. It is absolutely worth it. xo


Monday 5th of August 2013

I love your beautiful breastfeeding photos! So glad you were able to get the support you needed to continue through the tough times.

Jennifer @ Also Known As...the Wife

Saturday 3rd of August 2013

Beautiful photos! I love that your shared just an everyday glimpse into your life.

I'm so glad I have photos of Sophia and I while she nursed. It was such a spur of the moment decision and they turned out to be some of my most treasured photos of the two of us. My plan for next week is to snap a few of me and Jack together. It's such a special bond and it goes by so quickly.

The Many Thoughts of a Reader

Friday 2nd of August 2013

I LOVE these photos.

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