One of the “perks” of staying at home has been not having to wash my hair every day. It’s a perk because my hair is the healthiest it’s been in a long time.
It’s a not-perk because I’m not washing my hair every day, which sometimes means I’m not showering every day, so I’ve had to come up with creative ways to wear my hair.
Last week I put my hair up in a low tucked bun and Instagram-ed a picture and some people asked how to do it. So I busted out the tripod and remote shutter that I got for Christmas that were still in their original packaging until Friday and here it is.
The tucked bun.
I think I was on Day Two hair here, for the record. A little dry shampoo in my bangs/around my face and pulling the rest of it back and I was good to go to the park and grocery store with the kids. Bonus, it’s out of Emma’s reach!
Here’s the how-to.
Step One: Pull your hair into a low ponytail.
I have a ton of hair. A TON. And this style works for me, so don’t think it won’t work because you have a lot of hair.
Step Two: Make a “nest” for your hair.
Do you remember the Topsy Turvy ponytails that were oh so great in the 90s? This actually starts a bit like that but with no tools necessary.
To make the “nest,” slide the ponytail holder about an inch or an inch and a half down the pony, just enough to loosen it up. Separate your hair right above the ponytail holder.
Step Three: Roll up your hair.
To make the ponytail easier to tuck into the nest, I like to use my index finger as a form to roll the ponytail up into a ball.
(Why yes, that is an Angry Birds temporary tattoo on my hand. *Someone* in this house is a fan of Angry Birds and requires that we both have one so that we can actually be Angry Birds and play real-life Angry Birds. He’s cute. And at least I got to be the about-to-explode Black Bird this time instead of a pig.)
Step Four: Tuck your bun. 😉
Take the ponytail ball you’ve got wrapped around your finger and tuck it into the nest. Push down on the pony tail holder to make sure that the hair is all tucked in.
Step Five: Start pinning.
I’m usually able to do this with two or three bobby pins placed close to the ponytail holder and it’s always secure enough to stay all day. As you pin, continue to tuck so that the ponytail holder is hidden.
Once your bun is pinned in place, use a fine tooth comb, or even your fingers, and gently comb together the hair that parted when you made the nest.
Boom! A super easy, low tucked bun that’s casual enough for every day but easily transitions into a night-time style.
It can be embellished with bows or clips or flowers, but I think the low tucked bun by itself is quite pretty. Particularly if you’ve tamed your flyaways better than I tame mine for trips to the playground.
Or you can always just embellish it with a cute baby. 🙂
Tuesday 19th of March 2013
I love simple hair styles!
Tuesday 19th of March 2013
That looks super cute and easy. I may have to try that when I'm running late for work in the morning. ;)
Monday 18th of March 2013
This is super cute. I bet with two spin clips (you know I'm obsessed) it would stay in!