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Emma, 3 months

Emma is three months old today!

  • She’s a rock-star sleeper most of the time. She’s down for the night between 8:00 and 9:30 and sleeps until about 1:30. Then she’s up every two-ish hours to eat, but since we’re co-sleeping, this is no big deal. She goes back to sleep for a second long stretch around 5:00 and sleeps until about 8:00. She naps several times throughout the day and usually falls asleep easily. (The Universe is going to bite me in the ass for writing that.)
  • She started rolling from back to belly last week. She’s had belly to back for a while now, but it was more of a “my head is huge and weighs too much and oh look it just rolled my whole body over” sort of thing. Now she’s rolling both ways with a purpose, but not continuously yet. Thank God.
  • She REALLY wants to sit up. When I prop her on a pillow on the bed and sit and talk to her, she tries so hard to lift her little body into a seated position. I think this is coming soon.
  • We’re exclusively cloth-diapering her now and I love it.
  • She smiles with her whole face. It’s impossible for her to keep her eyes all the way open when she smiles and most of the time she shows off every square inch of gums in her mouth. This is adorable and is assuredly Nature’s survival mechanism.
  • She’s still a spit-up fountain.
  • She’s getting better-ish in the car. Better is good.

And now for some pictures of my THREE MONTH OLD.


I am over at Beth’s place, Me as a Mommy, talking about the differences in traveling before kids and after while she’s on vacation. I hope you’ll click over and leave me some love.

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Week In Review: 5

Sunday 15th of July 2012

[...] week, Emma turned 3 months old. So that was [...]


Wednesday 11th of July 2012

She is so perfect! It makes me miss tiny A, and/or consider a second! Eeep!


Sunday 15th of July 2012

She's pretty freaking rad, that's for sure.


Tuesday 10th of July 2012

Melt. And don't roll continuously yet, little girl. Stay still and give mommy some rest please.


Sunday 15th of July 2012

The continuous rolling means I have to vacuum more. I don't want to!!! :(


Tuesday 10th of July 2012

Simply, I can't believe she's three months already -- it seemed like just a little while ago that I was thinking "sucker, here's another one who gets to do this two-kid thing"


Sunday 15th of July 2012

This two kid thing? Is hard.

Bottoms up, right?

Emily @ Baby Dickey

Tuesday 10th of July 2012

Adorable!!! My 4-month-old Rebecca has pretty much the EXACT same sleeping schedule. Are you bringing Emma to BlogHer? They can meet (ya know, when WE meet, lol) ;)


Sunday 15th of July 2012

We will be there! Yay for BlogHer!

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