Because I mentioned that I was thinking of making a ring sling tutorial video and a couple of y’all indicated it would be helpful, I made a vlog demonstrating how to get your infant into the ring sling.
A few notes about this video before we proceed, mmkay?
- As I’ve previously stated, all vlogs appearing on this blog are filmed in my bathroom. This is because there’s good lighting and it’s quiet. So, bathroom vlogging.
- I also shoot all vlogs with my iPhone despite having an actual video camera and a DSLR that will shoot videos because my iPhone is always with me and I understand how to use it. Sort of. Unlike those other two pieces of technology.
- No one is allowed to comment about my arm jiggle. Apparently when I grow babies I grow them in my biceps.
- You’re also not allowed to comment about the little nose/lip scratch thing or the fact that I talk with my hands. I get that from my Mama.
- Please note that among the things I advise you to do in the sling, I do not say “clean!” or “cook!” Mostly this is because I clearly don’t do those things often enough to think of how beneficial the sling would be in those instances. But it totally would be. I do, however, go to Target several times a week because their air conditioning is better than my air conditioning. And they have Starbucks.
- I mention a chest-to-chest carry like there’s an alternative. Do not forward-face your baby in a sling. In fact, most studies are now showing that forward-facing while babywearing isn’t a good idea at all because the baby has no place to hide if s/he becomes overstimulated. It’s also not really great for their hips in a lot of cases.
- There IS an alternative carry for the ring sling when dealing with older babies and toddlers. I have two more slings I’m working on learning to use and some of them will support Joshua’s weight. I’ll get him to cooperate by promising him Oreos and see what I can come up with and do this again. Maybe.
- My kid is cute. Adorable really. And I love smooshing on her. Wearing her means I get to sniff the top of her head all the time and I do love sniffing her head.
If, after watching this video, you have questions about my technique, please ask them in the comments and I’ll answer as best as I can. I’d like you to leave them in the comments instead of asking on Twitter so there’s a record of the Q & A for anyone who stumbles upon this and maybe still has the same question. But by all means, ask on Twitter, too.
Without further ado, The Anna Carrie Baby Ring Sling Tutorial.
Jess @ MomEinstein
Friday 6th of July 2012
Thank you so much for posting this. My ACB sling has been sitting unused while I worked up the courage to try it and now I am going to rock that thing so hard.
Also, you are GORGEOUS and Emma is a doll. Seriously, you make some beautiful babies.
Thursday 5th of July 2012
Ok...I think I thread mine wrong. This is where I am seeing a problem. I"m going to try it later when C is awake though now that I have seen it on you.
also? this is totally pinned.
Tuesday 3rd of July 2012
Tuesday 3rd of July 2012 look fantastic and that baby of yours is beautiful! I think I want to have another baby just so I can wear him or her again! I LOVED the ring sling with little ones. I miss that.
Tuesday 3rd of July 2012
sweet sweet baby!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!! I hope that Allie let's me wear her like that, then maybe she'll sleep when we're at Disney.
Can't wait till you bribe J enough so that I can see the toddler video. Thank you!