I think I’ve alluded to this before, but the iPhone? Is my own personal piece of toddler-magic when I need to get stuff done in public.
Seriously. It’s amazing what Youtube on an iPhone or some toddler flash cards can do to make sure you get through the grocery store without ripping someone’s head off. (Or losing your own…)
I even downloaded a Thomas game app for him.
Yes, despite the fact that the little blue tank engine is trying to take over my life.
And Joshua? Is quite good with the iPhone. So good, in fact, that he’s (sort of) figured out how to work the camera.
So today I bring you “Toddlerography.”

See? The iPhone helped us make it through brunch. And Joshua got to feed some birds. The waitstaff were likely not amused at his shenanigans.
In addition to using the camera? He’s also (sort of) figured out how to switch to video mode. For 5 seconds at a time. So I spliced together some footage from this morning for your viewing pleasure. Pay no attention to 1) the spots of red paint on my ceiling that are 5 years old 2) the giant yawn from me at about the 16 second mark. Oh, and if you listen closely, you can hear my nemesis Thomas in the background. You’re welcome.
Monday 13th of June 2011
Okay, so I'm totally cracking up at this post because any time I leave my iPhone lying around, I find a whole bunch of self-portraits and random dog-nose photos left by my kids. I almost can't bear to delete them because I'm just so baffled that at ages 2 and 5, they actually know how to work my phone! Plus, the self- portraits are so cute- they always look so serious.
Monday 13th of June 2011
ARCHIVE THOSE BAD BOYS FIRST! Seriously. It's a great part of my day when I find a surprise picture Joshua took. Like the one of his flippy-flops. It's just interesting what they see when they don't know they're looking.
Alison@Mama Wants This
Monday 13th of June 2011
So cute! I have photos that my toddler took too! Mostly of his chubby legs :)
Monday 13th of June 2011
Isn't it fun to look through and see what they saw?
Sunday 12th of June 2011
hilarious. E is currently not allowed on my phone. it's the only thing that is mine anymore.
Monday 13th of June 2011
Part of me wishes we'd never encouraged this, but part of me is glad we did when I need to grocery shop and he's getting all squirrel-y.
Sunday 12th of June 2011
That's awesome! We have the slideshow of puppies app on our iPhone for grocery trips with my almost 2 year old. Perfect distraction. I can't believe the kids know how to use the technology more than I do. It took me a half an hour to figure out how to take a photo on my husband's phone, then my son grabbed it from me and said "push this button and then this button mommy. And you're holding it backwards." hehehe
Monday 13th of June 2011
Oooh, slide show of puppies! We have lots of flash card apps and, of course, his Thomas game. Must have the Thomas game.
Sunday 12th of June 2011
Ha! I should post Chunky's pictures too! iPod, how I love thee and your distracting ways ;)
Monday 13th of June 2011
They are GREAT for distraction. Buys me 15 minutes to drink a cup of coffee in the mornings.