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Stay Cool, y’all

Way back when I was an internet newbie, I joined a message board for women thinking about and trying to get pregnant. From there I met some of the most awesome women I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.

This one I’m talking about today? Super awesome.  She’s ridiculously tall, rocks some fab red hair, and loves wine as much as I do. And one day, maybe, before we both throw our backs out or keel over from carrying around giant toddlers, I’ll get to hug her face.

A few months ago, Jess, became a consultant for thirty-one to make a little extra cash so she could keep buying cute hats to put on her little son, Keagan. (Who is FINALLY getting hair! SO CUTE!)
Thirty-one is a little bit of everything. There are totes, purses, beach bags, organizational home items, wallets, and more.

Go browse their online catalog to see for yourself!

I’ve had the opportunity to see some thirty-one bags in action and let me tell you, they are CUTE. They are stylish and fun and sturdy. Seriously. (Plus? Monograms! Be still my Southern Belle heart!)

Their current June special is an item I NEED. Since I just stepped up my game to a soccer-mom mobile (::ahem:: an SUV) and since I’m notoriously bad about having a disorganized car, I’m buying some of the utility totes (page 43) to go in the floorboards in the back seat of the car.

I’m really, really bad at letting things roll around back there, getting lost in the abyss underneath the seats. It drives Dan insane. When I cleaned out the old car to turn it back in when the lease was up, I pulled out no less than 6 half fumpty water bottles.

So? The totes are going back there as a place for me to toss wayward items until I remember them.

Right now, any $31 dollar purchase gets you a large utility tote (reg. price $30) for just $9.  The Short Utility Tote (bottom of page 43) comes in some super fun kid prints (Robots!! Elephants! Apples! Oh, my!) and would make great places to stash toys.

(The short utility tote is $32, so for $41, you can get TWO places to stash stuff! [also? I just did math. Take note, people.])

Jess contacted me earlier this week and said “Hey, Miranda. I want to give something away.”

Don’t you love it when people contact you and say they want to give something away?

If you’ve been living under a rock or on the moon or something, you may not know that it’s been hot as blazes here in the south for nearly a month and a half now.

We’ve got two air conditioners running in this house. And ceiling fans. And it’s still nearly 80 degrees inside.

(Yes, I’m serious. Hellooooo, vaulted ceilings and a too-small central unit for our house that forces us to use the most obnoxiously loud window unit ever created by man in the living room so the front of the house stays remotely comfortable. o_o )

Wait, what?

Oh, right. Staying cool.

Jess has offered up a thirty-one Market Thermal Tote to one lucky NSJM reader.

This tote is constructed of a durable nylon exterior with a thermal, foil-lined interior. It’s big enough to hold a 12 pack of sodas AND a casserole dish (plus some room to spare) making it great for picnics.

Or? You could take it to the grocery store to keep your freezer items frozen on the trek home. (Frozen pizza? Bags of veggies? ICE CREAM and POPSICLES? All will be properly still frozen by the time they get to your freezer!)

One lucky reader will win the tote pictured above (in Chains Ahoy print, with the words “Stay Cool” embroidered on the front in lime green).

Here’s how you can enter:


Leave a comment on this entry telling Jess and me your favorite way to stay cool.


“Like” Jess’s thirty-one Facebook page so you can stay up-to-date on monthly specials
and then leave another comment letting us know you liked her!
She won’t spam you! Promise! Just give you a few updates here and there about cool stuff!
Already like her FB page? Go ahead and tell us by leaving a comment


Make a purchase.
Then come back here and tell me what you bought so I can live vicariously through you
since there’s 100 things I’d like to buy.


Tweet about this giveaway, up to 1x per day.
Make up your own or use the following:
I’m Staying Cool with @notsuperjustmom and you can too!
Then just come back here and leave a comment letting me know you Tweeted. Remember, you can do this ONCE per DAY.

The winner will be chosen via on Wednesday, June 7th, at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Happy Summer, y’all.



The fine print: I’m receiving nothing in the way of compensation for writing this post except the joy it brings me to help a friend. No, not even wine. And most certainly not that whole student loan thing we’ve talked about before.

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Sarah H.

Friday 10th of June 2011

Frozen margaritas, duh.

Angie B

Thursday 9th of June 2011

RT for today:!/angiewith3/status/78879588155006977

Angie B

Wednesday 8th of June 2011

Rt'd giveaway:!/angiewith3/status/78522246720782336


Wednesday 8th of June 2011

I'm cool because I know Jess...ok but really, I like to sit on the patio and read a book in the evening when it's not too hot.


Wednesday 8th of June 2011

Stay cool? The pool every chance we can get. Saturday and Sunday we live there!

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