Two big things are happening around here. Huge things, really.
1. I am now a regular contributing writer at My Postpartum Voice. Lauren reached out to me via Twitter last week and asked if I wanted to contribute. This? Was not an opportunity that I could turn down. I owe much of my recovery to Lauren and her #PPDChat and constant vigilance in helping Mamas with PMADs. I’m excited to be helping her help others.
My first post went up yesterday and I hope you’ll take a minute to hop over and read it: Every Little Thing
This is the SQUEE!!
2. NSJM is moving. To WordPress. This isn’t something I’ve taken lightly or that I’m doing on a whim. I know that it’ll bring me a more professional platform whereby I can bring you better content, plug-ins, and community. Seriously, you can talk to JP. He will tell you that over half of my emails to him have been freak-outs and near panic attacks. So, I hope you’ll all follow me if there’s any following for you to do. Please.
This is the grovel.
I love you all.