In that room I was happy and laughter was abundant.
It was there where I learned the restorative power of naps on special mats.
I knew that a Care Bears lunchbox had the power to make everything all better.
In that room, I was dubbed a “chatterbox.” And a “delightful student.”
In that room, life was simple.
If I close my eyes, I am there again. Walking to the kindergarten wing. Two classrooms that shared a closet of cubbies just outside their doors. My name is written on a panda bear. Because panda rhymes with Miranda.
I can see the centers. Drawing tables to the left, kitchen and dress-up areas to the right. Blocks in the back of the room. Those were the coveted spots for naptime.
Round tables lining the middle of the room.
The bulletin board with our frogs on their lily pads ready to jump into the water if we misbehaved.
I can still smell the crayons.
Everything else is faded. Not quite black and white, but not in full color. Shaded with passing years.
But when I close my eyes tightly, I catch a flicker of the peace that filled my five-year-old heart and it sustains me for just a moment or two.
Until I open my eyes.
For this week’s memoir prompt we were asked to write about kindergarten. Or the earliest grade we could remember. While I’m not certain this is even sort of what was expected, it was the story behind my eyes.
Friday 1st of April 2011
I love that you described it as smelling like crayons. I just sniffed the inside of Eddie's crayon bin yesterday (don't ask) and I said, "mmmm! smells like Kindergarten!"
Cort gave me a weird look.
Friday 1st of April 2011
Tell Cort he's the weird one. Kindergarten TOTALLY smells like crayons.
Wednesday 30th of March 2011
I loved the emotion in this, especially the ending, where if you concentrate hard, you can take yourself back when things were a lot more peaceful.
Friday 1st of April 2011
I love remembering those moments of peace from my childhood. When things were simple and easy and happy.
Tuesday 29th of March 2011
I wish I remembered that much from Kindergarten! I tried to think about it after reading this, and I like this little bursts of memories that pop in my mind. I guess I remembered more then I thought! Thanks so much, that was wonderful!
Wednesday 30th of March 2011
I remember so many stories from kindergarten, but none of them seemed to fit here quite like these little bursts did.
Thanks for reading!
CM @ A Little Lilac
Tuesday 29th of March 2011
What lovely memories! So descriptive, from the Care Bear lunch box to the frogs on their lily pads. Nice.
Tuesday 29th of March 2011
I wish I still had that Care Bears lunch box. It was one of the good metal ones!
Tuesday 29th of March 2011
Great descriptions of the room! I wasn't able to remember mine that clearly. Like everyone, I love the line, “Everything else is faded. Not quite black and white, but not in full color. Shaded with passing years."
Tuesday 29th of March 2011
Thanks! Kindergarten is just one of those years that is permanently fixed in my memory. I can still see my teacher's face.