1. The understanding of the rules of grammar and the English language and knowing that you don’t end a sentence with a preposition.
Just kidding.
Sort of.
Maybe not.
It’s time again for Top Ten Tuesday with my girl Katie of Sluiter Nation.
This week is all about giving thanks and being grateful. And Katie saved this for AFTER Thanksgiving because it’s easy to be thankful and grateful when we’re supposed to be giving thanks, but thinking about this sort of thing after the fact is sometimes a little more difficult.
Here goes:
1. I’m thankful for my husband and son. Coming home to them at the end of a long day, (or, well, taking Joshua home and waiting for Dan to get there so we can be a family) is a bright spot in my sometimes dreary days. I miss these guys when I’m not with them. They are my life.
Dan, I don’t get sappy often, but I love you. One lifetime may not be enough. I know that I’m not anywhere close to being the easiest wife to whom you could be married, but I’m glad you picked me. I’m thankful for you and for everything you do for us even if I don’t say it as much as I should. Love, Me
Joshua, You are my heart. Forever. Love, Mama
2. I’m thankful for the rest of my family, too. My mom, my dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, even my brother who keeps getting himself into ridiculous situations. I’m thankful for all of them. They’ve all contributed in some way to making me who I am today. I wouldn’t be me without them. In my life it has truly taken a village. So, for them, I’m giving thanks.
3. I’m thankful for my in real life (IRL) friends. I don’t have many friends, but those friends I DO have are important and special to me in ways many of them may never know. Sappy? Yes. But true. Each of them has brought something to my life and for that, I’m thankful. I’m glad I have a few starfish in my life.
4. I’m thankful for my e-friends, too. As ridiculous as it sounds to some people, some of my greatest friends are the people I’ve never met. I’ve maybe never even heard the sound of their voices. But there are some people who live in my computer who are closer to me than perhaps anyone who actually sees me on a daily basis. The LJ ladies, my Twitter friends, my Blogging companions. Thank you. Millions.
5. I’m thankful for wine. There, I said it. It’s true. I appreciate a good glass of sauv blanc after a long day. Or to celebrate a joyous occasion. Or just because. (I’d also like to add that I’m thankful for coffee as well because, I mean, how else would I make it through the day??)
6. I’m thankful for my teachers. I’m glad that there were people in my life who saw it as their mission to make a difference, no matter how cliche that may sound. Because of those teachers, I saw my own potential. I was given the tools I’d need to give back. I’m glad to know them.
7. I’m thankful I’m a teacher. And not just because I get the summers “off”, though that is certainly one of the perks. I’m thankful that each day I get to do something that I (mostly) enjoy. That I get to see those sparks of curiosity in my students that were once sparked in me by some awesome teachers. I’m thankful for those sparks.
8. I’m thankful for books. Books have been some of my best friends over the years. For our first Christmas together, Dan said he was going to get me an e-reader so that I could get rid of some of my books. I almost cried. (He didn’t get me an e-reader. He got me a laptop. SCORE!) But the thought of parting with my books? No way, no sir, no how. Never. I will buy more and more bookshelves and get a bigger house before I’ll part with my books. They are like my first children.
9. I’m thankful for television. Yep, television. You read me. I love some good TV. I love some bad TV. Mostly, I love when people tell stories. And television is full of stories.
10. I’m thankful for YOU. Yes, you, reading this right now. I’m thankful for you. I would write even if people didn’t read it, but this blog has been cathartic for me in so many ways. Thank you for keeping me accountable. Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for not hating me (or thank you for not saying you hate me if you do).
What’s on YOUR list of things for which you are thankful? Tell me! And then link it up with Katie and the Top Ten List!