My Super Sunday post is going to be a bit sappy this morning. My apologies. (Not really.)
This morning there’s a fire in my fireplace, coffee in my cup, and hash brown casserole in my oven (that I didn’t make.) There’s a happy toddler running around the living room stacking his Sesame Street chairs and knocking them over. And then he plays with his Daddy and they sing silly songs from Yo Gabba Gabba.
Y’all, this? This is the life I imagined.
Is my house clean? Not in the least.
Do I have a giant bank account? No. I’m a teacher.
Is my life perfect? Absolutely not.
But this moment? This moment is my life and this moment is perfect. This moment is worth cherishing. Even if I’ve been up since 7:00 a.m.
This moment is the kind of moment that I wrap around myself like a warm blanket in the dark moments. These little glimpses into my reality, the reality that will one day be permanent, remind me that there is hope in the darkness. There is peace in the storm.
I’ve had a great month. It’s the first month since Joshua was born that I didn’t have some complete meltdown where I needed to just go scream inside my head for a minute. I hesitate to say that my battle with PPD is over because I know that as soon as I declare myself victorious, I’ll be reminded that this monster is still hiding under my bed, or inside me, waiting to jump out and grab me as I drift into the bliss of sleep and dreams.
The purpose of Super Sunday was to carve out one day a week where we choose to have a good day (A Super day. Duh.) and actively seek to make that sort of day happen. Your super day doesn’t have to be on Sunday. It can be whatever day you want it to be. But the point is that you choose ONE day to have the kind of day you want to have by doing that day your way.
So today, that’s what I’m going to do.
Today I’m going to try to think positively. To shape my perception. To look on the bright side. (I’m also going to try and find a way to rock the new boots I bought last night.) I’m going to seek the good in any situation in which I find myself. I’m going to spend time with my family. I’m going to try to be patient with my husband and my son. I’m going to BE.
(I’m also going to go to the bathroom ALONE.)
What are YOU going to do?
One thing you should do? Enter the GIVEAWAY that’s happening right now with me and my pal Lauren from Willow House Design. You know you want to win some Christmas ornaments!
And, if you haven’t already, please take a moment to answer a few survey questions. The response has been great so far, and it’s really helped me see some things about my blogging habits. I sincerely appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer.
Don’t forget to link up your Super Sunday post below!