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Band Geeks Forevah!

I’m the Color Guard instructor for the high school, right?

This means I get the joy of band camp. Every summer. For a week. In the middle of nowhere with 120 teenagers.

(It’s not THAT bad, really.  There are rousing games of Apples to Apples in the staff dorm after lights out.)

But, Band Camp 2010 is next week (as in the 18th through the 22nd).

This means that I’ll be MIA.

So, I’m looking for guest posters with their own Band Camp stories to share for next week.  Any takers? 

Email me at or tweet me @notsuperjustmom.

(Did I mention that I’m loading up Joshua AND my mom and this will be his THIRD band camp [in utero, last year @ 4 months, and this year] and he’s only 15.5 months old?  No.  Well.  He’s going too.  And my Mom is awesome enough to take a week off from work to come with us to the middle of nowhere so that I can do my job AND not have to pay for daycare.)

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