As I sit here in the living room floor at 7:00am (after having been up since 5:30…after having gotten up for a 2:00am feeding…after…you get my point, right?) I needed this post from Jill at Baby Rabies. I needed the reminder that this will pass faster than I realize and before I know it, Joshua will be heading off to college for keggers and sorority girls. (I shudder to think, really…)
Even though I’m sleep deprived and I pray every night for that night to be the night he starts sleeping all night, I’m reminded this morning that I love my son and that I should cherish these moments. Even when HE is so exhausted he can barely stand himself but will.not.sleep. because he might miss something BIG (like, me…taking a nap…or me, drinking some coffee) I’ve got to work at appreciating what I have.
Instead of waking up frustrated with Dan for being able to sleep through the murderous screams of our child as I lay him down in his crib so that I can escort Princess Annie out of the nursery and into our bedroom, I should be thankful that I have a husband who will change poopy diapers and wash bottles. And cook. That’s huge. So, thanks, Dan. I love you.
I’ve got to stop being such a “dweller.” Anyone have any idea how exactly I go about this?