Dan has every third Monday or so off of work for working Saturdays. It’s really nice to have him here because it sort of makes my week shorter, if that makes sense. Instead of having five days here with Joshua, I only have four. It sucks because it means Dan has to work weekends, but it’s manageable. Anyway, we had a really good day yesterday!
We spent the morning putzing around the house. He did some yard work and I was on baby duty. Then, he says “Let’s get out of the house” and I’m like “Uhhh….Captain Crankypants will not like this plan” but we braved the high-speed meltdown and went to El Pollo Loco and took Joshua to a restaurant! He was good until it was almost time to leave and then he started fussing because he was sleepy. (I cannot wait until this kid figures out how to put himself to sleep!) But, I got to eat a meal in a restaurant. I never thought the day would come! Am I ready to take him anywhere nicer than a fast food joint? No, but it’s the little things, y’all.
He fell asleep in the car so went to the mall and I bought him some super cute outfits at Baby Gap and Gymboree and I bought myself an outfit at Gap, but I had to go up a size in the pants. ::sigh:: As long as I don’t get that weird, flat “mom-butt” I think I’ll manage. I can always lose some weight, right?? (When I’ll figure out a manageable schedule to get back to the gym is anyone’s guess.) It was so nice to be out of the house! I even nursed in public…well…semi-public.
Our mall has a nursing mother’s room off of the ladies restroom. It has some comfy gliders and a couch in there and it’s pretty private. I commend them for thinking of nursing mothers who might not be comfortable displaying their goods to passersby while trying to manage a squirming infant and a receiving blanket. Anyway, it was nice to have someplace to go to feed him.
After he had First Dinner I snuggled him up in the Moby and we continued walking the mall while he napped. I was out of the house for almost FIVE HOURS yesterday! Wahoo!!! Dan was a trooper! I kept saying “do you want to go?” and he responded “I’m with you.” My feet were ready to go about an hour before we actually left. Maybe one day soon I’ll venture back to the mall on the hunt for some new summer sandals.