We’ve had Joshua in the bed with us. This results in him getting TONS of sleep and me getting NONE sleep.
He’s small, but he’s a wiggler. So, he ends up scooting himself all the way over to my side of the bed and pushing me out. I end up trying to sleep on 8 square inches of our Queen size mattress while the 22 inch, 10 pound baby takes up the rest of the bed (oh, and Dan’s in there, too). Plus, I think I’m paranoid that I’m going to roll over on him in my sleep. It’s not working for me.
I have got to get this kid back into the pack-n-play.
Dan got him to sleep in it this evening by putting him down while he was tired but not totally asleep. This resulted in me being able to eat spaghetti with two hands, which was awesome.
He only slept in it for about two and a half hours last night which means I only got about that much sleep. Awesome…only not really.
This is such a work in progress.